Chapter 6

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She cried in my arms with her head buried in my chest. I didn't know what was happening or what was wrong, but what I did know was that I wasn't gonna let her just not tell me, having a ni*** thinking about that sh** all day. I knew that the key was to be patient, cause god knows I didn't want to hurt her more than she already is.

"What you tryna do?"

I asked her subtly, waiting for her to respond.

"I can't stay here, D. I can't."

She said wiping her face.

"Ight come on."

"Where we going?"

"Girl, come on."

She said struggling to get up. I held her hand and pulled her up. We continued to walk out of the school doors. A girl began to walk our way. She looked pissed. She came up to me and pushed me away from Star. She continued to push me back. I was confused on why she was pushing me, and irritated that she was.

"Why the he** are you touching her! Get away from her!" She said, still pushing me.

"Yo what the he** are you talking about, moe! Back the fu** up!"

I said, holding her arms. Star pulled her off of me.

"Don't play stupid, nig**! You one of his lil homeboys, ain't you. I'll fu** you and them up if you ever touch her again."

She said. I was dead confused, but I knew it probably had something to do with what had happened to Star.

"You need to chill, he had nothin to do with what happened to me."

Star said defensively. The girl looked at her in confusion.

"Listen, I'll explain to y'all both in a second, but can we please just get out of here. Please?"

We all looked at each other.


The girl said walking to her car.

"I'm following y'all."

She said before getting in and closing the door. Star and I walked to my car and got in. I ain't know what was happening, but I knew I was finna find out pretty soon.


We had made it to Starbucks after about 5 minutes. I knew I owed it to both of them to tell them about what was going on. Especially Damon. We've only known each other for about 4 hours, but he's been my best friend since I've known him. I know it's crazy, but it's true. He hadn't been pushy with me at all, even though I know I've put him through a lot since he's met me. I feel terrible that I put him in this situation, but I had no one else to go to. If I told anyone, he'd probably kill me and my family.We pulled up to Starbucks. We all got out and headed inside. Damon and the girl ordered they're drinks. He looked down at me.

"You want something to drink?"

He asked my politely. I shook my head no.

"You sure? You already missed lunch?"

He asked.

"Nah I'm good, I'm not feeling to well."

He nodded. We all went outside to the lounging area and sat down.

"Ok. There's just a few things I'm confused about."

He started.

"For starters, I'm just confused why you were crying earlier today, and why you have cuts on your face and marks on your neck."

He asked, waiting for me to answer.

"This morning I saw a boy I used to be with a few years back. I started to cry because it brought back all the memories of the things he used to do to me. The things he put me through. The pain he had caused me."

I said. They sat in silence watching me.

"What did he do?"

Damon asked.

"When I was in 10th grade, he had raped me when I told him I wasn't ready to lose my virginity. After that I stopped talking to him, and basically considered him a stranger. He didn't like what I was doing, so he started abusing me. He continued to rape me multiple times until one day I found out I was pregnant. I don't believe in abortions, so I decided to keep the baby. After I broke the news to him he started to abuse me like never before, angry at me for not aborting the baby. I ended up having a miscarriage from all the pain and stress he was causing me mentally and physically. The time I spent with him was one of the worse times of my life, other than the time my mother was sick and passed away. He went away for the summer and came back this school year. I thought I'd never see him again, and when I seen him this morning, all the pain that I felt then came back to me. I was in class when I started feeling sick to my stomach at the though of him, so I rushed to the bathroom to go throw up. I turned around and there he was, standing over me. I tried to get away from him but he had started choking me and pushed me to the ground. That's when he started hurting me, and she came and got him off of me. I feel so stupid every time I think about all he's done, because I felt stupid for associating myself with him in the first place. I wish I never even met him."

I said with a tear rolling down my face. I began to look down at my legs, ashamed of myself for how weak and vulnerable I was at the moment. Damon looked at me with so much empathy and emotion. He began to start rubbing my thigh with his hand. The girl that helped me gave me a hug. I smiled at the thought of having someone to be there for me, and care for me other than my family. I knew that all of us had built a bond, and we were gonna be friends for a really long time. The only thing I was concerned about was Damon. I knew I wanted something more than friendship with him, but I was worried the same thing that had happened with Tristian would repeat itself with Damon. Plus I just met him, and I certainly didn't want things to move to fast. Just him touching me made me feel.... good. I also had to get over everything that Tristian had done to me, because he had broken me to the point where I have severe trust issues. Only time could tell what would happen in the future, and I decided to take it one day at a time, and let God do the rest.

"My name's Brooklyn by the way. And I'm sorry that I attacked you earlier today, um what is it?"


"And I'm Star. Thanks for helping me today. If it weren't for you, he probably would have raped me again."

I said.

"No problem, and just know that we're here for you no matter what. We won't let him do this to you again."

She responded. Today was definitely gonna be one to remember for the rest of my life.


I was shocked to hear everything that Star had to say. I was determined to find out who this nig** was. I'll be dam*** if I let him get away with this stunt he pulled. I let myself know that I better not ever pull some sh** like this with Star if I ever find myself with her in the future. The things my dad used to do to me could trigger me into translating it, and I don't ever want to hurt Star like he's hurt me. I'm gone find the nig** that did this to her, and he gone regret the day he ever even spoke a word to her.

"Speaking of names, what's the dudes name that did this to you?"

I asked Star.


She said.


Was all I could say. Wait till I find this dude. He gone wish he was never born.

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