Chapter 9

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I ran down the sidewalk as fast as I could. I ended up turning into a field and just running as fast as I could for as long as I could. The last time I did that was when my mom died. I kept running until I couldn't anymore. I ended up passing out and hitting the floor, seeing nothing but black abyss. I was in so much pain, and I needed it all to stop.


I kept looking for her up and down the streets for about 20 minutes. I came across a field, and decided to check there. I figured it was a possibility since Damon told me Star likes to run. I continued to search the field, and ended up finding her unconscious in the middle of the field. I picked her up and carried her to my car. I panicked on the way tot he hospital. They lied her inside a bed and attached her skin to packets with liquid in it. She eventually woke up after 2 hours of sleeping. I stayed with her until she woke up, just to make sure she was ok. She smiled at me before asking me what happened. She said all she remembered was running then blacking out. I explained to her everything that had happened. We eventually started to talk about Damon, and the situation he's in.

"Damon's been sent to juvenile detention. Tristian's parents pressed charges against Damon for assault and battery, and there holding him in juvenile detention until one of his relatives come and bail him out."

"Omg, this is exactly what I didn't want to happen."

"I mean let's be honest, Star, did you really think you could protect Tristian from Damon forever? There's no way he was gonna keep letting you be abused and he just sits back and watches. He said that he was gonna die, and he looks pretty dead to me when I walked past his room."

I said jokingly. I couldn't help but laugh. I'm a Scorpio, so I do really bad in real situations. Anyway, Star looked at me in fear.

"Tristian's here?!"

She asked.

"Yeah he's in the other room down the hall."

Star began to breathe heavily.

"Star, you need to calm down, he can't do anything to you. Damon beat him into a coma. It's not like he can attack you."


She yelled back at me. I realized what I was telling her wasn't helping her, so I called the doctors. They came in and told her to breathe. I also took there advice and went outside to get some air. I came back in and went to go visit my brother on the 2nd floor. I caught him up on everything that had happened recently. I knew my brother would be surprised to hear the sh** I've been through without him here. I began to break down and cry, which was ok to do because it was only me and him right now. I held his hand and he held mine back. I knew he was trying to comfort me, but he was to weak to. All he could do was grab my hand, and that satisfied me knowing he was there with me.

    All of my problems made me realize that I needed to make things right with coach before it was to late. I kissed my brother goodbye and left the hospital and pulled up to the school for the 2nd time today. I walked to Coach T's office to make amends. I walked in on her packing her things up into boxes. She looked at me and smiled as I reached out and hugged her. A tear fell down my face knowing that we were good, but also knowing that there was risk I'd never see her again. It haunted my mind, so I needed to spend time with her. I finished the day of school before we both went to Tommy's Pizza Place to have some cheese pizza. It was coaches favorite. Just plain cheese. I always needed extra stuff on mine, but today was about her.

    Me and coach reflected on old memories we had when I was younger. We laughed and smiled for the past 20 minutes. Then things got serious when we started talking about our current circumstances and what she was gonna do about her cancer. We soon wrapped the conversation up and coach went home. I decided to stay a little longer so I could relax. I got a call about 5 minutes later from juvie. I knew it was Damon, so I answered.



"Wassup. You good in there?"

She asked.

"Yeah I'm straight for right now. I can't stay here though. I need someone to get me up out of here."

"Ok. Don't you have a relative that can come and get you?"

"Yeah, my brother. But he's not answering his phone. You think you can go up to my house and get him to come and get me?"

I asked her.

"Damon, that's a lot to ask. I still got my own sh** to deal with."

"B, I know, but I'm telling you I can't stay here. I'll catch more charges if somebody don't come and get me. And Tre is obviously the only one who can come and get me. Please B."

"Ight, dude, da**."

She said, probably rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"Thank you, moe, I got you later."

"Yeah yeah whatever."

She replied, hanging up the phone. I laughed for a second before the guard started rushing me back into my cell. I got get out of here. These nigg** keep looking at me crazy and it's gone be street fighter in this bi***.

Tre came and got me about 2 hours after I called Brooklyn. She came through. I didn't really expect nothing less from her, though, cause she's done so much for me and Star.

"Da** bro, you got me out here driving an hour in a half to come get you from JUVIE. That means you got an hour and a half to explain why the he** you doin in juvie, or ima beat yo a**.

"This girl I met up the street was getting abused by this goofy at school. He did it twice, so I beat his a**. Idk what happened to him, but all I know is that they put me in juvenile detention. Now we here."

I said. He looked at me for a second then looked back at the road.

"My nig**."

He said, holding his hand out. He dapped me and continued to drive. The rest of the ride I listened to some music. It crossed my mind that I hadn't called or texted Star since I was out. I picked up my phone and called her. After 2 rings I was hung up on.

"You good?"

I texted her. She left me on read. So now she wanna trip. Ight. I'm gone see what shorty on tomorrow morning.


Damon called me about 4 hours after Brooklyn had left. I declined his ring after the second call.

"You good?"

He texted me. I opened his message But didn't respond. I put my phone down and did the usual thing where I reflect on life. Where were things going with me and Damon? What's going on with Brooklyn? How had my dad been lately? Would Tristian even recover from the brutal being he just took? I started to get anxiety like usual, which drained me of my energy. I started to feel lightheaded and nauseous. I started to breathe, not thinking about anything else.

     My anxiety started when my mom died. She was my bestfriend, and every time I had a realization that she was dead, it would hit me like a hurricane. I always kept everything to myself, because I didn't want anyone feeling sorry for me, offering me pity. I ended up taking the painkillers the doctors gave me for the anxiety, and it knocked me smooth out.  We'll see what the world has in store for me tomorrow.

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