His eyes💕💕👀👀😩😩

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You couldnt believe it.

You were going on a date with none other than AMERICA! And you had to look your best cuz you sure as hell dont wanna look fuckd in front of such a thicc s*xy man.

You ran to your bathroom which kinda smelled like cheese but that doesnt matter and you did your makeup.

You put ur lavender coloured hair up in some weird ass style and after tha t you kinda looked like this

Suddenly, you heard a beep beep outside and you looked out to see America in his bright yellow cybertruck

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Suddenly, you heard a beep beep outside and you looked out to see America in his bright yellow cybertruck.

"Hey sexy thang cmere give daddy sugar~~" he shouted.
You ran outside as quick as you could and holy shit. Your jaw dropped and your arms hung by your sides as you looked at your date in awe

"America i- i-" you blushes and couldnt believe your eyes. He looked fuckin s*xy as hell and his shirt was tight and it showed his BIG muscles and his tight pants truly emphasized that p h a t a s s 😩😩😩🤠🤠🤠❤❤❤💕💕

"Haahaha baby come on in, lets go hav a good time bby❤" america say. Yes he just said ❤ you dont know how thats even physically possible but whatever he was too hot 4 you to care

"Wh- where are we going senpai?" You said climing through the trucks window an plopping down into the sticky seat which was sticky.

"Its a surprise, thisll be a night you'll never forget" he winked.

You almost moaned.

To be continue😳😳😳😳

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