something new

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Hey man thanks for coming through

You know that I gat your back from day one

You are a true friend shadow

Why didn't you tell me everything kill
You know I would have understand

I know, I couldn't tell anyone, I wanted it to be my big secret, well I would have told you but you are not always around

Am glad you chose the right thing at the end, that's the most important thing

Yeah, it is , thanks again for coming (they shoke hands)

What about your baby, I haven't seen him, how is baby Henry

Oh he is fine, he is with Anika's father

Oh, that's great I will see him someother time  then


Hey Nik

Yeah(she came from the room)

I beg to take my leave ma'am

Oh common, so soon? Am about to prepare dinner, please stay a little longer  

I wish I can, I just have to leave now
Thanks for taking care of my friend

Good night

Good night man
(He left)

Hey beautiful (he held her waist)

What do you want handsome?

I want us to make babies that are beautiful as you dear

Hahaha so that means they won't look like you? Because am more finer than you are

Well, I know am cute, but I would prefer they look like you, coz I want to see you in them, your beautiful, character, everything dear
Coz everything about you is beautiful

Do you ever miss her?



My  entire life has been all about Ella
I couldn't get over her, well maybe because her killer was still out there living his life majestically,  now that he has paid for his crime, I guess Ella is resting and I too can rest, I just wish I will stop having nightmares of her  and my boys

You are a strong man kill, you lost Ella, your boys and Melisa, how did you cope with that, I mean I only lost my mum and life was a living hell

I know yeah, that is why am a man and you are a woman, it's not like we don't feel pain, for the matter of fact we do but we are very good in absorbing it

Thank you for making me who I am today

No thank you Nik for being super intelligent and hard-working , I did not make you who you are , you made your self a shofisticated,  beautiful and intelligent woman, my soon to be wife

Awwww thats so sweet

Tell me where do you want our weeding to hold?
Canada? Dubai? USA? Paris,  talk to me, just tell  me any place of your choice

I want to do it here, so that everyone I know will attend, then we can go to Dubai for our honeymoon

Sounds cool, but Paris is very beautiful

No am cool with Dubai

We're you able to talk to mells lawyer?

Oh yeah I was, mell will all her father's money and some of his asset to charity well except for the one she was working, she willed it to me

Are you serious?

Yeah, with some cash, I mean huge amount of money she saved for our baby

A clever woman she is

Yeah she is, but we will  have all the time to talk about that, but for now lets start working in the room(he takes her up and threw her on the bed)

And started kissing her


Why are you resisting me?

Well I have learnt new styles. I have been reading kamasutra


How did you know about kamasutra?

Well ,linda told me, but I want to save it for our wedding night

Ahhhhh what is this beautiful woman trying to say? No sex before marriage, but we already

I know we already had sex, but can we just wait?  If we do it now, it's gonna spoil the excitement

Oh gosh!!! Am hard as hell woman


Okay can I at least kiss you?


(He kissed her deeply and they both slept cuddling each other)

The end
Hey guys finally we are raping it here
I hope you like this chapter
Thanks for taking your time to read
I love you all

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