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Kills residence

As I lay on the bed with kill, I couldn't stop thinking about Ben, I just couldn't get my head off the possibility that something bad might have happened to him
He trade my life for his and I will forever be indebted to him
10million is too small to save me I will make sure his family never lack anything but still I will pray for him to get out of there safe

Are you okay?  Kill brought me back from my land of thought


What is wrong mell?

I can't stop thinking of that man that saved me
Even in his darkest heart he still felt sympathy for me
Kill hold me tight am scared

Mell, you don't need to be scared am right here
But come rap your arms around me, there is something I need to tell you

No kill, please do not say anything more ,just kiss me

Mell, I have a secret

Everybody does have a secret

But, you don't know my past

Shhhhh she put her finger on his lips to shut him up and started kissing him
I don't care about your past, what I care about now is  spending this moment with you
Without any worry or sad memories

He kissed her back and the whole atmosphere started getting hot, gradually and with carefulness, he pulled her night wear
You look beautiful he exclaimed

His is the first time you are seeing me pregnant and naked
It has been difficult without you
Taking care of myself, going to the hospital alone, sleeping alone, kill I miss you

Am sorry for not being there, I feel so sad right now,
I put you through this and I left you

It's not your fault, I caused it
But please promise me something


Do not pass your anger to this child, he or she knows nothing

I am no more angry with you, I have forgiven you

Thanks kill(she hugged him)
You just ease my pain

They started kissing and as kill was about to pull off his trouser the door sprang opened

What the fuck!!! Anika screamed and headed to the front door without saying a word

Shit!!! Anika hold on its not what you think

Are you kidding me?
Okay tell me ,what am i suppose to think ?
I just saw that pregnant woman on your bed naked and the both of you were kissing really hot and you say " it's not what i think? "
Can you really hear yourself?
Dad let's go

Please don't do this to us

I drove all the way from school, coz I was scared that something bad might have happened to you, just for me to get here and see you on our bed having fun with another woman(she started crying)
Haven't I tried enough?  Haven't i endure enough,  haven't i suffered enough?
All in the name of what? Love?
Well damm love ,this relationship is over, am over you kill
Dad let's go

Please Nik, please let me make it right am sorry

And just immediately Anika and her dad step outside, some guys in their car shot a gun which was for Anika but her dad took the bullet

Oh my God dad

Anika are you okay?

Am okay but dad is not ,have they gone?


He is bleeding kill, they got him on his arm

(They both heard a scream)

Did you hear that?

Yeah, oh shit it's Melisa

Go check up on her I will take dad to the hospital
The one close to the house

Okay I will be back

He ran into the room only to find Melisa on the floor screaming

Kill the baby is coming

Oh my God
What the the hell will I do now

Take me to the fucken hospital ,Kill the baby oh my
The baby is coming

Hold on to me tight


Nurse!!! Come right here there is an emergency

Mell, I just want you to know that I love you, please stay strong, for me and our baby

Am sorry man you have to wait outside

Please let me go in

Sorry (the doctor locked the door)

Hey guys, I hope you love this chapter
Next chapter coming in very soon
Thanks to y'all for taking your time to read
I love y'all

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