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Knock on the door

Wow kill is back, so early
Am coming baby

Please don't shut the door

Give me one reason why i should not?

Because am trying my Best to make this work

By stalking me,
How did you locate this place?

I guess that's not important now
I wanna have a talk with you

Am here

Please Accept me in

okay fine but that wont change anything
Come in, have a sit
What do you want from me?
I told you before that i don't know you

I know you don't and Its not your Fault
I guess your Mother was too upset with me to even show you my picture

My mother told me that my dad is dead
And now that she's not Alive There is no way i can believe you because the only person to prove you right is no more

Oh my god, Mercy is dead?

My Mother died Long time ago

I feel so horrible, i didn't Even get her forgiveness before she died

What you did is unforgivable

I know am a very terrible person but trust me i wasn't in my right senses

Men!!! They do something and Blame it on the devil, Some Even Blame it on alcohol
Whats your excuse?

I know you might not believe me but It was the influence of charm

Hahahaha juju
So they use juju take baff you, you no come dey see again(in pidgin language)

Am saying the truth, i didn't know what i was doing please  forgive me

You know what i don't want to hear your kak and bull story
Leave my house this moment

The ring from Anikas Phone interrupted the conversation

Hey kill Whats up?

Melisa is in big trouble

What do you mean by that?

Her house is empty and her Phone crashed on the floor, I feel something is not right

OMG Did you Call the Police?

What will the Police do at this time, you know how reckless they are ,they will not look for her until after twenty four hours

You are right thou, so whats your plan?

I guess her foster father did that to her

Foster fathers?

Yeah, he happens to be her uncle and he is a very dangerous man

Why will he wanna harm her?

Melisa went beyond her boundary

What do you mean?

She has been withdrawing money from her fathers companies account
I guess he found out
I warned her about it but she wont listen

So what are you gonna do now?

I will go trace where Kingsley is keeping her


Yeah that's His name

The Same one you Told me he...

Yes the same man

Kill you need to be careful, i don't want anything to happen to you

I will be fine

Where are you? I want to come met you

You are safe where you are please stay at home
I will Call you later

Be safe i love you


That Same man i saw you with?

Non of your business

Where are you going to

A friend is in trouble i need to go

Is it safe for you out there?

I lived in the street for years and i survived
You were not There to ask
Why Ask now

Am Sorry to ask but please let me At least drive you there
That's the least i can do

You are such a pest


okay fine lets go

Where are you taking me to ?

To my house of course

No, i need to go home

Trust me home is not where you need to be at this moment

Welcome to my humble abode he announced as he opened the front door

Wow, finally i got the chance to Come in
Guess that witch is not around now i see why you freely bring me here

Oh common you don't wanna start
An sure you are hungry what should i prepare?

Egg sauce and yam

Am sure you know its late

Kill, that's what ï feel like eating

okay fine
Let me take you to the guess room

What is wrong with your room ?

You cant sleep there

I guess Its because of her

Can you stop being insensitive ?

Am sorry, take me to my room

There is water in the bathroom take your shower and put on that pyjamas i left for you on the bed

I guess it's hers

I will go prepare your food

Thanks kill for coming through
Wonder what would have happened if you had not showed up

I care about you mell and I love that baby inside you even before he is born

Hahahaha and who told you it's a he

Because I know what I put inside

Your wish ,am sure it's a girl

Did you check the sex?

Thought you don't like it, I didn't but I can feel it's a she

Okay dear let's wait and see

Don't be confused I will give you all details of her escape
I hope you love this chapter
Thanks guys for reading
I love you all

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