Chapter Two - The Rough Journey

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Hi! Yup, chapter two is here and it's about to get vivid! Trigger warning to anyone that doesn't like sensitive topics, but you knew what you were getting into when you read the description so ... your own fault if you don't like it. I feel like such a hypocrite... I'll warn you with this emoticon ⚠️ And you'll know it's over with this ✔️ Enjoy!


Draco packed his bags and proceeded to run around making sure everything was perfect for his trip to Hogwarts. He didn't want to miss the train, if he did he'd have to stay behind and that would upset his father. Lucius was quite glad to be rid of his son for a few months, it's not as though he couldn't use Narcissa as his punching bag. That's what scared Draco most, but his mother practically begged for him to go hoping her son would be safer at school.

He dashed down the stairs and waited in the foyer knowing his father and mother wouldn't want to miss saying goodbye. Lucius mainly wanted to check if the concealment charm hiding his bruises was working, but Narcissa wanted to see her son before her months of Hell began. He really didn't want to leave his mother, but staying would only course her more grief and he did not want to hurt his mother like that. Draco and Narcissa both didn't deserve the life they had been given, but as they kept telling themselves, 'karma has a way with people'.

"I suppose it's good enough," Lucius remarked, "but please don't act so exhausted!"

"Of course father."

Draco then after appearated to platform 9 3/4 and boarded the scarlet steam-engine. He had always thought it was rather strange that it had been scarlet and gold, it had reminded him of a certain house and made him feel like the other houses didn't matter much in comparison. And the three other houses had always excluded Slytherin, so he didn't blame any of them for hating the other houses. But seeing how few Slytherins there were made him feel his anxiety bubble just bellow the surface.

He looked around for any of his friends, he only managed to spot one other eighth year student though. He walked up to him and asked how his holiday had been. But Theodore didn't want to talk, turns out he hated Draco's guts. Most Slytherins now did in fact, he had joined the Dark Lord and that made all Slytherins look bad. It was rather stupid that everyone painted them with the same brush, but that's how things worked for the house. It wasn't ideal or happy, but it's part of what made them Slytherins.

Theodore left Draco and went onto the train without even a word leaving his lips. Draco knew the year was going to be difficult, but he didn't realise the Slytherins would leave him behind. Nonetheless, he went onto the steam-engine and looked for an empty compartment to sit in. Chances were he wouldn't be welcomed by anyone, and if someone did choose to sit with him he'd find out who his real friends were. Turns out he had none. Not a single person sat in the compartment with him. 

Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws and one or two Slytherins passed by only glaring at the pale blonde. Did this bother him? Not as much as it probably should've. He felt nothing, numb from constantly crying and empty from all the things he had called himself. He was worthless after all right? Wrong, he wouldn't realise this for a long time, but no one was worthless. But he felt that way, didn't see much point in living. His only purpose in life was to make sure grief didn't over take his mother whom was now a mere shell of a woman.

He hated knowing he had what others deserved. He hated knowing he caused so much pain. He hated knowing he was weak and worthless. He hated being alive...


Once the clock hit eleven o'clock the Hogwarts Express began its journey to the school. Draco was exhausted and tired from undernourishment and lack of sleep. He began to doze off, but he tried to stay awake not wanting to course a scene. He eventually cast a silencing charm around the compartment because he knew he would end up falling asleep and he wanted practice for future needs. He didn't face a memory he recognised in his sleep though, he faced a memory that had been altered for reasons he would figure out once it was done.

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