Chapter Three - Classes and Classmates

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Hi! Yup! We got another chapter and this'll be more about his struggles at school with everyone against him. I'm surprised at how much writing this has helped me. I don't face 90% of these issues but I do feel empty. So writing this has helped me cope and I hope you feel less alone if you're going through the same type of thing. Enjoy!


Draco didn't go to breakfast the next day and instead stayed in the boys dormitory. He wanted to pale the Dark Mark on his arm more and also get used to the pain it may bring. He took a blade and slid it across the horrid tattoo making the black tar like liquid spill out of his cut. He smiled at the incision and held back the screams of pain that could escape even though he had placed a silencing charm so that no one would hear him.

He knew it wasn't healthy, but he was desperate to get rid of the damn mark at any cost. When it stopped 'bleeding', he bandaged up his arm because he really didn't want to have the mark out on display. He had learnt that apparently because there were so few Slytherins they would be sharing classes with another house. And that house just so happened to be Gryffindor so he really didn't want his mark to be out for everyone to see.

His first class of that day was Herbology with Professor Sprout, Head of Hufflepuff. He was interested, since he needed to understand the plants to become a healer like he wanted, but the Gryffindors were quite distracting. They weren't necessarily bad or terrible at the class, it's just there was one particular Gryffindor that always seemed to catch Draco's eye. And he really didn't want to get distracted in Herbology because that would ruin his chances at being a healer. He could just never win.

It was a rather warm day so Draco didn't bring his robe, but he did bring his Slytherin vest and kept his sleeves rolled down. He had a bandage on his mark, but he didn't want people to see the bandage because they might guess what he was doing to himself. He strolled out into the common room and saw that no one else was there, all probably eating breakfast. The dungeons were cold, but once outside of the dungeons it was a lot warmer seeing as the sky was cloudless.

He walked down he corridor and the few students that weren't in the hall - it was mainly Ravenclaws - sent glares his way. He was expecting this, but it almost felt like someone had placed a hundred kilograms on his shoulders weighing him down and making him feel worse then he already was. He headed straight for the greenhouses because he guessed no one would be going to their classes that early. But he was wrong, Theodore Nott was in fact already there.

"Well, well, well," he began, "if it isn't the Death-Eater. Shouldn't you be in Azkaban kissing a dementer?"

Draco didn't say anything.

"What? Got nothing to say?"

Draco rolled his eyes and scoffed, "You know I'm really sorry if I've hurt you in some way, but I can't fix things if you don't let me."

"So you can talk. Well I'm sorry but you're out of second chances."

Draco sighed, he knew Theodore was right, but he just didn't want to admit it.

Soon enough, the Gryffindors started to arrive with an enthusiastic Neville Longbottom and excited Hermione Granger. Of course they would be really excited, they were the top students of the class and had friends that shared the class with them. But all of Draco's friends weren't at Hogwarts, let alone in the same classes as him, and even if they were there they'd probably hate him. It's just how things were for the blonde pure-blood, whether he liked it or not.

Professor Sprout came out of the greenhouse with dirt on her clothes and her regular gardening hat and gloves. She was a squat woman with curly grey hair and always looked as though she had just been gardening - most likely because she practically was always gardening. She didn't look at any students in particular really, she just looked at the class as a whole when speaking, which was a nice change from teachers looking at either Harry or Draco. It's what they get for playing the part they did in the war.

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