Chapter 9

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It was lunch and I sat next to Izuku and Iida and Uraraka sat opposite to us.

"So where do you work?" Iida questioned

"What do you mean?"

"I mean when you came to class late you said you had to work the night shift at a cafe and that why you came late so where is the area that you work at" Iida explained.

"Ohh It's a cafe called coffee bloom. I'm working as a waitress and a cashier too" I explained to the two new friends in front of me.

"How do you work both? Do you one day be the cashier and the next day a waitress?" Uraraka asked.

"No, I would be a waitress for half of my shift and the other half I would be a cashier as it is pretty boring doing only one thing for more than 9 hours"

"Wow that's pretty amazing," Izuku said in surprise.

We talked random things while eating all our food.

As class ended, we were able to go home and me and Izuku we're walking together.

"Hey Izuku, I never really asked you this but how come Bakugo calls you Deku? Because I thought Deku was just a nickname like how you still call Bakugo Kacchan"
"Oh, he calls me that because I'm useless. Well, that's what he defined it anyway" he frowned.

"Well, so what, if he calls you useless then don't think that. Plus he defined it so you can do it too. Like Deku can mean something like 'a hero' or 'saviour' you just got to define what it means. Then you can tell Bakugo that the name Deku is not useless" I smiled as I looked at his emerald eyes. "Thanks, it really means a lot" he smiled.

After a while, we got to his house and I waved goodbye and headed to my house.

Bakugo's POV

I walked with shitty hair out the school gates and I saw Y/N and she was walking with that stupid ass Deku.

I stared at them for a good few seconds before I got frustrated by how both of them looked at each other's eyes, smiling at each other and most of all how close there were to each other.

My blood boiled after seeing him that close towards her.
"What's wrong? Are you jealous that Y/N is talking to Midoriya and how she's been hanging around with him and not with you?"

"Sh-shut the fuck up you shitty hair! Why would I be jealous of Deku and Y/N hanging out together"

"Oh please, I've seen the way you look at her. Plus you were texting her in class weren't you?" He raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"So what if I was texting her in the middle of a lesson" I yelled. "Okay then....oh, by the way, I know you like her. I've seen you smirking at her and she starts to blush and stuff. After all, I did see you smirk at her today after you stopped texting in lesson when you looked back at her"

"If you tell anyone then I'll kill you!!"

"Ok I promise to keep this secret Bakubro"


I finished with my homework and fell asleep knowing that I would be late for school tomorrow so I set an alarm clock on my phone at 7:30 pm.

I woke up at 6:30 pm from the sound of someone banging on my front door. I ran to open it, I could smell a familiar scent and I knew straight away who that was.




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