Chapter 15

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School ended and I was walking alone and as I looked up I saw Izuku walking with Uraraka and Iida so I walked up to them.

"Hey, mind if I join you guys" I nervously said with a fake smile on my face.
"Umm sure you can join us...hehe" Uraraka chuckled and put her arm around my neck.
We talked a lot and then we arrived at the train station and we parted ways.

Me and Izuku went one way and Uraraka and Iida went the other.

I sat down on the train and asked "Hey Izuku, who was that girl that was with Bakugo at lunch?"

"Oh that was Hannya from school the one that you absolutely hated and the one that always tries to get Kacchan's attention"

"Wait seriously! How did she get into U.A since she wasn't with us when the teacher congratulated us for getting into U.A at his office"

"She probably transferred to general study or something" Izuku answered.
"But why did Bakugo not do anything to stop her from what she was doing"

"What was she doing?" He questioned "putting her arms around his neck and I think she was giving him a hug and the others didn't do anything they just cheered them on like smiling at them as if they were a couple"

"....umm Y/N, is there a chance that your jealous that Kacchan might be her girlfriend?" Izuku questioned, "and also that you like Kacchan?"

"W-what n-no I don't like him plus he's a jerk and insults almost everyone" I turned my head not facing Izuku as my face started to heat up.

As we got off the train me and Izuku walked silently home. I waved goodbye to Izuku as he walked towards his apartment and I walked straight home.

After a few minutes of walking home after parting ways with Izuku, I arrived home. I reached out to the door handle and opened it and to my surprise, I felt that someone was in my house.

I walked in slowly and closed the door and the smell of their scent smelt familiar. I crept to the kitchen to see someone standing there.

"HEY, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE" I lit up some fire on my hands and pointed at him and as I did that he turned around and smiled.

"Sis I'm so glad your still alive" the strange man who took off his hoodie to reveal a man with h/c hair and e/c eyes.

"Sis? What are you talking about my brother is 8 years old now and he isn't going to grow taller than me and be muscular plus you look more like 17 or 18 years old.

"Well I am 18 years old and before you were even born I was sent to our uncle as I was a troublemaker when I was two years old and I wasn't allowed to come back until my behaviour changed" he chuckled

"Uncle? I don't have an uncle" I said confused if I should believe him or not.

"Well yeah, since our parents couldn't handle me, our uncle took me and we moved away to a different country" he answered.

"Okay, but how did you find me?" I questioned suspiciously as to how he tracked where I was and live. "Well after I came to visit, mom and dad said that they kicked you out of the house because you had a quirk and they said that you probably went to another country so I researched your name and it popped up as you were a U.A student in Japan"

"Okay...HOLD ON! What website did you find the information on?"

"The Japanese news article" "so you can read Japanese?" I asked. "I learnt a bit of Japanese here and there and now I can understand it"


"...we're literally speaking in Japanese"

"Oh..." I felt a bit embarrassed and stupid at the same time.

"So what's your name?"

"oh right my name is Shigeo"

"Ok, then Shigeo are you staying or are you leaving soon?" I questioned.

"Yeah I wanted to go back to my home town and live with my parents but my flight will be in two days but for now we can spend some time together" he gave a simple smile "I'm going to rest in the guest room if that's ok with you" I simply nodded and he sprinted away to the guest room.

'...wait how did he know I have a guest room? Did he look around the house'

Next day

I did my normal routine and had breakfast and my so-called older brother was still sleeping. I wasn't going to trust this guy in my house so I set up a few small hidden cameras around the house that I had bought. I would be able to watch him while I'm at school.




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