Chapter 3: School

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2 years later.....

Rose's POV
Pumpkin seeds!!! I'm excited to go for my first day at my new school. Mom said it's called Regal Academy. It's a school for all kind and species. Be it a Human, God or Demon. Though Mom always tells me they were originally called the 'Fallen Ones'. To be honest, it does sound very cool instead of calling them Demons.

I wore my school uniform and pinned my badge. Then I picked up my bag and said goodbye to Mom. My Mom told me that I look 13 years old by mortal standards at this age. While on the Mortal World, Earth, Mom taught me a lot of things like how Earth was connected to all the other worlds. For that reason, Mom said that was why we lived there. She would always bring me around Earth with her Teleportation Magic. It was so much fun!!

Anyways, on the way to school, I saw some flowers growing on the side of the road. They looked lovely in the sunlight. They flourished upon my touch

Then, a boy around my age, walked by and the flowers wilted and die as his leg brushed against one of their petals. He barely looked at them before walking ahead of me. I followed him, curious of what just happened.

He pulled up his hood and kept walking forward. He was walking towards a portal and walked through it. I followed him in. Inside the portal's destination, the magic was stronger and there was a school and I realised it was my school.

(A/N. The School building will also be different as well as places in the world since this is an AU. [Alternate Universe, for those who don't know what AU means.] Villans will be from a few mythologies. )

It had the School Crest on the top of the building. Staircases were embedded with encouraging phrases like:
"Don't give up!"
"We, the students and teachers of regal academy appreciate you being here!"

Other than that, the school building looked like one of those Mortal universities. Huge and impressive from an architectural perspective. The boy I was following, disappeared into a crowd of students walking towards the school building. I walked towards what I supposed was the School Hall but it was not like anything I have seen.

Inside it was full of wierd Flora and Fauna. Huge Venus Flytraps snapping at tiny dragons that had wings. A Stallion with magestic wings, tied to a stake. Even vines with screaming grapes, though this was barely audible due to the grapes not being loud enough.

Many students were in awe of this scene. Some seemed unfazed by this place. I was not only curious but a little impulsive. I reached out for the horse but it reared up and snorted. Its hoofs were lifted and ready to stomp on me.

Pink sparkles were directed at the hoof and it was stopped in place.
"Careful there, you wouldn't want to die on your first day, would you?" A kindly voice said from behind me. I whirled around to see a woman clad in a white robe and a greek chiton. She had blond hair and sky blue eyes. Her eyes seemed to change colour with every passing moment. Her beauty stunned me.

"Ah, allow me to introduce myself. I am Venus, Goddess of Beauty, Roman form of Aphrodite. I will be one of your teachers this year." She said, her smile seemed to brighten the room and a few boys were gawking at her.

She waved her hand and the horse calmed down.
"Now the Headmaster will be selecting who will go to which League. Here in Regal Academy, we have 8 Leagues. These Leagues will always have challenges with each other. The winning Leagues will recieve points which will later be added up to be used as a sort of exchange system. You can also earn points in your classes via good behaviour and well answered questions. Well, here comes the Headmaster." Venus explained.

The Headmaster was a woman who had long black hair. Her eyes were a stormy gray and shone with wisdom. She looked over us with a fierce look.
"I am Athena, Goddess of Wisdom. I am the Headmaster of this school. I hope that this year will be an enjoyable year for everyone. Remember our school motto, "Learning knows no boundaries. No matter how old, young, smart or stupid, it is never too late or early to learn. Now, I am sure all of you would like to know your Leagues. With 424 of you here, the 8 Leagues will have 56 of you, first years each. I have already personally arranged you to your leagues." She snapped her fingers and each of us got a card:

Rose Atheral
Class: Unknown
League: Ursa Minor
Dorm Location: Right Wing, Room 17
Age: 2 (Appearance: 14)
If you do not know where your dorm is do not worry,
Press here

"Do not press your buttons yet. These cards do not work in the hall due to our hall's magic defences. I believe that all of you now know your Leagues.
Ursa Major ,please go to The Garden for your first lesson.
Orion, please head for the Music Room for your first lesson.
Lyra, please go to the Crystal
Cassiopeia, please head for the Stables for your first lesson
Perseus, please go to the Arena for your first lesson
Cepheus, please head to the Aura Sphere for your first lesson.
Eridanus, your first lesson is in the Circle
Ursa Minor, Stay in the Hall, I would like to have a word with you all." Headmaster Athena declared.

Students split up in many different directions. The remaining 56 of us were left here in the hall, quite confused.
"Now, do you know why you are here?" We all shook our head.
"Well, let me explain. Your League has lost a lot of honour. Many people will laugh at you, bully you, hurt you just for being in this League. Do not let them get to you, show me that this League is worth more than what they say. Is that clear?" She asked.
"Yes, ma'am." A few of us mumbled out.
"I can't hear you!" She barked.
"YES, MA'AM!" We exclaimed.
"Good. Now all of you go to the Gymnasium for your first lesson. I once again wish you all a good year." She said.

All of the remaining students moved to the west side of the hall, looking at small maps. I followed them and noticed the face of the weird boy from this morning. However with the group of us moving in unison, it was impossible to approach him. When we reached the Gymnasium,from the outside, it looked like a normal one from the mortal world. I was a little stunned.
Surely, there is more to it than this, right? I thought. The weird boy reached out to the handles of the door and the entire door rippled like he dropped a stone into a puddle of water. Serious magic was at work. The teachers made a portal to the Gymnasium. And that was only the beginning.

Hello, I made this one pretty long and it took me quite a while to make. Sorry for making you wait but I am starting to do better for my books. I hope you enjoy. This is Agent_I signing out.

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