Chapter Seven: Moving Barcelona

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Lionel sighed as he checked his phone, he hadn’t heard from Antonella since he had told her that he was going to be raising Sophie with Katania; he was a little upset that she wouldn’t speak to him but he understood.

It had been a tough week and Lionel was thankful that his parents had come to help him pack up all of Sophie’s things while Katania handled packing up her own life.

“Are you ready to go?” Lionel asked turning to look at Katania, everything had been shipped over to Barcelona that was being kept and the house was going on the market.

Katania nodded her head, she was a little nervous about the move and she wasn’t sure what to expect when they reached the Spanish city; she was sure that it was going to take some getting used to.

Lionel watched as Katania picked Sophie up, he was sure that they would find a way to make this work; he was going to make sure that Allison never got her hands on Sophie.

“It’ll be okay,” Lionel said seeing how nervous Katania was, he didn’t blame her for being on edge; he was a famous footballer and having their pictures in the paper weren’t going to be easy.

Lionel had already asked his agent to release a statement explaining about what was going on and that he was just helping Katania raise Sophie because that was what Sophie’s parents had wanted.

“I know… it’s just strange,” Katania admitted, she had never left Argentina before and it was strange to think about the fact that she would no longer be living in her small apartment; she was just going to have to get used to it for Sophie’s sake.

Katania was doing this for her, she wanted Sophie to have the best life possible and she would do anything to make that happen even leaving her life behind.


“Ae you sure you want to do this?” Celia María Messi asked looking at her youngest son, she knew that he was taking on a big responsibility by taking Sophie in and she wasn’t sure he was ready for it.

Celia didn’t have any problem with Katania being around, she quite liked the brunette and she was in awe of how brave she was to take on raising the little girl.

“I’m sure madre… it’s the only way Kata can keep her,” Lionel said knowing that he had explained this to his mother before, he was doing this to keep Sophie safe and away from Allison; he couldn’t let that woman get her hands on her.

Lionel had sat down and explained to his parents what he and Katania planned to do, he knew it was risky but he wanted to make sure that everything was okay.

Celia sighed and nodded her head, she was proud of her son but she hoped that he knew what he was doing; she doubted that Antonella would warm to the idea of sharing him with anyone.

It had been disappointing to hear that Antonella didn’t want children and that if Lionel stayed with her then he would never have any children.

“As long as you are sure,” Celia said moving to hug her son, she didn’t get to see him a lot and she was sure that he would be busy now with his career, his girlfriend and now raising Sophie.

Lionel closed his eyes, he knew that this wasn’t going to be easy and he hoped that everything would settle down and quickly; he didn’t know what he would do if everything became out of control.

Lionel was risking a lot by taking not just Sophie in but Katania as well, the two had spent the last week working out all the details on how this would work.

Katania and Sophie would be living in the pool house and Lionel would make sure that they would have everything that they needed while they were living with him.


“Do you want me to hold her for a little while?” Lionel asked looking at Katania, it was going to be a long flight and he was sure that she would like a break.

Sophie was being fussy and Lionel was sure that it would take her a while to settle, she had never been on a plane before and he wanted to help out as much as possible.

Katania nodded her head and carefully handed Sophie over, she sighed in relief a little and she was sure that she would be able to get some sleep while they were flying to Barcelona.

Their flight from Rosario to Buenos Aires had been less than an hour and the short lay over there had lasted about nearly two hours, now they just had the nearly thirteen hour flight to Barcelona to enjoy.

Lionel settled Sophie on his lap and smiled at the toddler, he hoped that she would settle soon since he didn’t want a grumpy toddler landing in Barcelona; he didn’t need Sophie throwing a tantrum when they arrived.

“Matías said that he had a room sorted out for Sophie,” Lionel said looking at Katania, he didn’t want to be worrying about setting up a room for her when they arrived and had asked his older brother to handle it for him.

Lionel didn’t know the last thing about children’s bedrooms, he adored his nephews and nieces but that didn’t mean he knew anything about what Sophie would need.

Katania nodded her head as she leant back in her chair, she had a feeling that it was going to take some getting used to; she watched Lionel with Sophie and wondered how someone like him didn’t already have children of his own.

Lionel cuddled Sophie, she was adorable and he could see so much of her parents in her; his heart ached knowing that she would grow up never truly knowing them.

“Do you think she misses them?” Lionel asked softly looking at Katania, he couldn’t help but he curious and he doubted that Sophie would remember her real parents when she was older.

Lionel was frightened of the day that she started called him and Katania her parents, they technically were now and he knew that he would have to deal with it; he just hoped that he would be good enough.

“Of course…” Katania said watching Lionel, it was still raw in their minds that Sergio and Martha were gone and they were honouring their memories by taking on raising Sophie.

Katania was sure that even if Sophie was only little, she would understand that her parents were gone; she just wasn’t sure how to approach it when the little girl was older.

“We’ll be okay,” Lionel said smiling, he pressed a kiss to the top of Sophie’s head making her pout; he was sure that they could make this work for her sake.

Katania nodded her head, she was sure of that as well and she only dreaded to think what would happen when Antonella came back; she didn’t doubt that the woman would and it scared her.

Lionel had told Katania how Antonella had reacted when he had told her about what was going on and Katania didn’t want to upset the other woman.

Antonella was Lionel’s girlfriend and had been for six years, she had priority over Katania and the brunette knew that when she came back that Lionel would have to deal with a very upset girlfriend.

“Get some sleep,” Lionel said noticing Katania yawn, he smiled at her wishing that they had meet under better times; he had a feeling that Katania was going to be a great friend.

Sophie cuddled into Lionel’s arms, her life in Argentina was over for now and she was going to have to get used to living in Spain; her life was starting over for the better.

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