Chapter Nineteen: A Fresh Start

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“You’re doing what?” Gerard exclaimed when Lionel showed him the plans for the revamp, he had no idea what was going on with his best friend but he was starting to feel a little worried.

Lionel sighed and looked at Gerard, he wasn’t sure way everyone looked so surprised and he was doing what he thought was best; he wanted to move on with his life and this was the first step for him.

“I’m revamping the pool house and knocking down the main house,” Lionel replied as if he was talking to a child, he wasn’t going to let anyone change his mind and Katania had already agreed to the revamp; it was going to be a great place for them to live.

Gerard stared at Lionel, he had known that his friend was going to do something stupid but he hadn’t thought he would go this far; he had a lovely home and it was something to be proud of.

“But why?” Gerard asked trying to understand Lionel’s motives, he wished that he had seen this coming; he would have been able to stop him before he had gotten this far.

Everything had been going so well since Antonella had left and Gerard had only been waiting for his best friend to finally make a move on Katania; he wanted his best friend to be happy.

“Because… the main house was the house I bought for Anto and we aren’t together anymore, it can’t be my future home with another woman,” Lionel explained gently, he wanted to move on from that part of his life and the house was a reminder of the fact that he had nearly given up on his dreams of fatherhood for Antonella.

Gerard swallowed, he knew that Lionel was still hurting and he was recovering from his six year relationship with Antonella; he just wished that his friend would be happy.

“You want a fresh start,” Gerard acknowledged softly, he hoped that Lionel knew what he didn’t want to see him hurt like this again.


Lionel sighed pressing a kiss to the top of Sophie’s head, Katania had gone out for the afternoon and he had been left alone with the little girl; he was pleased that Katania was still doing a bit of work.

“What shall we do today?” Lionel asked balancing Sophie on his hip, he padded into the living room curious about how long Katania would be gone; she was taking pictures for Anna and had promised not to be long.

Sophie babbled softly making Lionel smile, he had no idea what to do with the little girl since he hardly had her to himself since they had gotten to Barcelona.

“Shall we watch a film?” Lionel murmured rattling his brain for something that they could do that the seventeen month old would enjoy.

Lionel moved to see what films they had, he smiled at the amount of Disney films that Katania had bought Sophie; he wasn’t even surprised and he knew that the little girl loved them even if she didn’t understand them.

“Olaf,” Sophie squealed making Lionel look at her, she had been speaking so much recently that he was glad that she had a couple more words.

Katania was still her mama, she could also say the words car, book, no and ball; the doctor was pleased with her progress after the devastating loss of her parents which had set her back a couple of months.

“Okay Frozen it is,” Lionel said picking up the DVD, it was one of Sophie’s favourites and he had seen it more times than he could count since Katania had gotten the film.

Sophie squeaked excitedly, she clapped her hands as Lionel set her on the couch and moved to put the film on so that they could watch it.

Sophie reached for her Olaf stuffed toy, she cuddled him close until Lionel was sat beside her again; she cuddled into his side making Lionel smile and wrap an arm around her.


Lionel stretched as the credits started to roll, he smiled looking at Sophie who was starting to fall asleep beside him; he checked the clock and guessing it was time for her nap time.

Sophie sucked on her thumb cuddling Olaf, her eyes barely open as she started to fall asleep; her head jerked away making her blink surprised while Lionel chuckled and picked her up.

“Nap time,” Lionel whispered holding Sophie close, he was sure that Katania would be home soon and the least that he could do was put Sophie down for her nap and start dinner for them.

Sophie buried her head into Lionel’s neck, her fingers clutching at his shirt holding onto him and Olaf tightly as they moved towards her bedroom.

Lionel was sure that when the pool house had been done up it would be even more suitable for Sophie; he knew how cold it got in the pool house sometimes and he didn’t want the little girl getting sick.

“Mama,” Sophie whimpered making Lionel sigh, he looked at her sure that she was used to spending a lot of time with Katania; she always had Katania with her so it was strange for her to have Lionel settling her down for naptime.

“She’ll be home soon,” Lionel reassured, he had grown used to referring to Katania as Sophie’s mother; it was hard but that was how Sophie saw her, she wouldn’t truly remember her real parents and the two had yet to discuss what they wanted to do.

Lionel and Katania didn’t know how they would ever explain what had happened to Sophie, they weren’t sure if they wanted to wait until she was eighteen to break the news or tell her the truth when she was old enough to completely understand what it meant.

Sophie snuffled quietly starting to fall asleep, she closed her blue eyes and her head rested on Lionel’s shoulder; they stepped into the bedroom, Lionel smiled glad that he had a little experience with nap time.

“Papa,” Sophie whimpered making Lionel pause, his breathe caught in his throat at the word and he looked down at Sophie wondering if he had heard her right.

Lionel swallowed thickly, he now knew how Katania had felt when Sophie had called her mama; it was a happy moment tinged with sadness since it remembered them that they weren’t really Sophie’s parents.

“Papa,” Sophie whispered again her eyes sliding closed as she fell asleep, she was completely unaware about the problem that she had caused.

Lionel felt tears build in his eyes, he tried to calm himself not wanting to wake Sophie by crying; his chest ached knowing that she would never call Sergio her father.

Lionel set about putting Sophie down for her nap, he was the closest thing that she would have to a father and it made him wonder how Sergio would feel about that; he didn’t want to replace Sergio in Sophie’s heart, he wasn’t her real father.

Sophie slept soundly in her bed as Lionel walked back out of the room, he peeked back at her wishing that life didn’t have to be so cruel; she deserved to have her parents watch her grow up.

“Sorry I’m late,” Katania called stepping into the house, she hadn’t meant to stay out so long but she had stopped to pick up some things for dinner; she paused realising how quiet it was.

Lionel looked at her making Katania stop, she could see the tears in his eyes and she knew that something had happened; she swallowed hoping that it wouldn’t force them to take a step back.

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