Chapter Eight: A New Home

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Lionel gritted his teeth as he hurried Katania and Sophie to his Audi Q7, he was far from pleased that they had been hounded at the airport; he had hoped that the paparazzi would give them some space.

Ever since his agent had released a statement, Lionel had hoped that they wouldn’t have any problems but now it was clear that they wouldn’t be having any peace.

Katania nibbled on her lip, her grip on Sophie tight as she allowed Lionel to lead her to the car; she was shocked at the amount of people that seemed to be hovering around taking their pictures.

Lionel pulled open the door to the car allowing Katania to dive inside, he wanted her and Sophie safe while he loaded the car with their luggage.

Katania pulled the door shut behind her and held Sophie close, the little girl whimpered as she cuddled into her guardian’s arms; she had no idea what was going on but it scared her.

Lionel quickly loaded the luggage into the boot of the car, he slammed the door shut and glared at the reporters that hounded him with insensitive questions; he tuned them out wanting to get Sophie away before she was upset.

Katania watched as Lionel climbed into the car, she knew that this wasn’t what he had wanted and she hoped that everything would calm down in a few weeks.

“Is she okay?” Lionel asked looking back at Katania and Sophie, he slammed the driver’s side door closed and pulled on his seat-belt; he wanted to get away as quickly as possible.

Katania nodded her head as she tried to calm Sophie, she pressed a kiss to the top of the little girl’s head; she knew that the sooner that they were at Lionel’s house the better.

Lionel focused on getting them away from the airport, he wanted them safe at least from the prying eyes of the world who were curious about Sophie.


“This is home,” Lionel said slowly leading Katania to the pool house which lay at the back of his house, he was sure that Katania and Sophie would be comfortable there and it would work perfectly.

Katania nodded her head admiring the house where she would be now living, she was a little surprised that Lionel had such a big place; she doubted that she would have to worry about being seen by anyone here.

Sophie rested her head on Katania’s shoulder, she was tired and it had been a very long trip from Rosario and their arrival in Barcelona had been rough.

“She looks tired,” Lionel mused softly, his brown eyes watching the little girl knowing that she hadn’t really slept on the flight over; he guessed that she would need a nap soon.

Katania nodded her head, she pressed a kiss to Sophie’s head as Lionel produced the keys for the pool house and unlocked the door; he was sure that everything would be in place for them to live there.

“This is you… there should be enough room for you both to be comfortable,” Lionel said opening the door and leading Katania inside, he wanted them to feel at home and that they didn’t have to worry what was going on in the main house.

Katania looked around the house as small kitchen and large living room that she had, she blinked surprised knowing that this wasn’t going to be easy.

The pool house was big enough for her and Sophie to live in and it was clear that it was something that had been recently been built; Lionel had told her that he’d built the pool house only in the last year, he had originally had it done as a guest house for his very large family.

“What do you think?” Lionel asked softly, he hated that he couldn’t do more right now but he was going to make sure that Katania and Sophie had everything that they needed.

Katania slowly nodded her head, it was three times the size of her apartment back in Rosario and she doubted that she would ever be able to afford a place like this; she looked at Lionel wishing that she could do something for him.

Lionel was going out of his way to ensure that Sophie and her were comfortable and Katania felt bad since she didn’t have anything to give him to thank him.

“It’s perfect Leo… you didn’t need to do all of this,” Katania said looking at the footballer, she wished that there was more that she could do; she had a feeling that Lionel had more up his sleeve.

Lionel smiled glad that this would be okay for her, he wasn’t sure when Antonella was coming back from her parents’ but he hoped that he had Katania and Sophie settled before she came back.

“I’ll organise an account for you to use for Sophie and I’ll add you to my insurance so that you can drive my cars,” Lionel said running a hand through his hair, he wouldn’t have to worry about Katania racing around in his sports cars; she would just need something that she could get around with Sophie in.

Katania nodded, she was almost relieved that she had her license and she had no idea how this would work out when his girlfriend came back from Argentina.


Settling Sophie down to sleep, Katania smiled watching her for a moment knowing that it would be another day before she would have shopping in to fill the kitchen; she was sure ordering take-out would be fine for tonight.

Katania ran a hand through her hair as she silently closed Sophie’s bedroom door, she had no idea what to make of her first day in Barcelona but she doubted that it would get any easier soon.

Lionel carried in the last of the suitcases, he had wanted to bring them in while Katania got Sophie ready for bed since the little girl had been getting grumpy.

“Did she go down okay?” Lionel asked putting down the suitcase, he looked at Katania sure that she was just as tired as he was; he doubted that either of them wanted to cook right now.

Katania nodded, she had no idea what things would be like when Lionel returned to training and Antonella came back; she just hoped that there wouldn’t be any trouble.

“She was out like a light,” Katania said smiling, she wished that she had more to say but she was exhausted and jet-lagged; she also knew that Sophie would be up in a few hours.

Lionel smiled glad that she hadn’t been too fussy, this was her home now and he was prepared to make sure that she was happily and comfortable.

“How about we order take out?” Lionel asked knowing that this wasn’t going to be easy, he wanted to get to know Katania and it would make raising Sophie better if they were friends.

Katania nodded her head with a small smile, she was glad that things were working out; she didn’t want any trouble and she was only here for Sophie.

“That sounds nice,” Katania said with a smile, she didn’t want things to be awkward between them and she didn’t want to get in the way of his relationship with Antonella.

Lionel had a life and Katania didn’t want to ruin things for him, he had been happy before she had come into his life; they were only going to raise Sophie together and that was it.

“Okay… I’ll go and get some menus,” Lionel said smiling, he had no idea what would happen when Antonella came back but he hoped that she would let him explain.

Lionel walked out of the pool house and took a deep breath, for the next seventeen years he was going to be attached to Katania and Sophie.

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