Chapter 7: An Evil Meeting

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Two chapters in one day?! Wowie!

There,  in a dark room, were 7 people. Most of them were men, except one. The only woman was the one who had brought them all here.

"Well, now that we are all here, we can begin our meeting!" The woman states. "How about we start with some icebreakers, and introduce ourselves!"

"Yes, yes~ I'm Sakata, the son of Captain Hook and it's nice to meet you all~", Sakata started introducing himself as he offered them a smile.

"Hey! Names Shima! Son of Jafar! Pleasure meeting you all!" Shima greets with a smile.

"My name is Luz. My mother is the Queen of Hearts. I look forward to working with you.", Luz introduced himself giving them a polite smile.

"Hello, my name is Sou. Um.. My mother is the Evil Queen. I hope we can become friends!" Sou introduces nervously.

"This is ridiculous... Soraru. You can probably guess for yourself who my father is. But wow, didn't expect you to be in this plan as well.", Soraru said as he looked at Sou.

Sou nods, "yeah. Well, looks can be deceiving. Hopefully we can become better friends through this, though!"

"Anyways, I'm Kashitaro. My father is Gaston," Kashitaro introduces.

"So? What will the plan be? Can someone explain it to this poor idiot here?", Sakata asked jokingly.

"Of course~!" The woman agrees. "But first, I should introduce myself! Though, you all know who I am."

"My name is Crystal. I'm your vice-principal!" The woman introduces with a smirk, coming out into the light. "And, of course, I gathered you all here to help me. We're going to burn this place to the ground with everyone in it."

Soraru whistled impressed as he leaned against the wall. "Sou was right. Looks can be deceiving.", he agreed and Sakata laughed in amusement.

"So you were the one on our side all along? Interesting~ Because you're such an amusing person I'm in~", Sakata told Crystal.

"I know~! You all don't get a choice anymore. You came to this meeting, so if you all don't comply. I'll have no choice, but to.... cause a horrible and gruesome accident." Crystal threatens, smirks and giggling evilly. "Now, any questions?"

At that, the light-haired male lifted his hand slightly. "U-um, I do. Is there a reason why we're doing this?", Luz asked tilting his head.

"For revenge," Crystal shrugs. "The villains are always outcasted and shamed. You all will be too after graduation. The hero will always outshine you, and you will be ridiculed for the rest of your life like your parents. We need to get rid of all this inequality. And the only way to make a difference is by taking action and destroying the thing creating this inequality."

"I-I see... but is this really the best solution—", Luz was interrupted by the ravenette clicking his tongue.

"Can you think of a better solution? Frankly, I agree with her on that. We were always outcasts even though we didn't even do anything. All this time we had to live with the fact that we are "evil" and "bad". And honestly? I couldn't care less about this school.", Soraru said.

"I hate the idea of violence, but it seems like the only way. Imagine how our parents felt! They must feel so much pain from the discrimination. I don't want anyone else to go through this!" Sou speaks up. "But. Um... Crystal?"

"Yes?" Crystal inquires.

"Did you say we were killing everyone in the school?" Sou asks.

"I did," Crystal confirms.

"Doesn't that go to far? How about just talking this through and trying to find another solution rather than—", once again Luz was interrupted. This time by Sakata.

"Ok, so I don't mind burning this school down at all and I'm fine with killing off everyone but... I hope you don't mind that I request to keep one human alive.", Sakata said as he gave Crystal a dark smile.

Crystal rose a brow. "Hm? Who and why?"

"I already know where this is going..." Shima mutters and leans back on his chair.

"Well, there's this one person that I took some interest in... And I really want them to be mine and if they're dead that won't work, right? So... what do you say?", Sakata asked cheerfully.

"Hm.... You know what? Sure! Go ahead. All of you might as well take someone you want. I know it can be hard saying goodbye to people you care about," Crystal states.

"Eh? You'll allow that?", Luz asked confused and surprised at the same time.

Sakata just clapped his hands satisfied. "Yay~ I knew you'd get me, Crystal-chan~ I'll work hard for this plan then~ You can count on me 100%~", Sakata said as he bowed jokingly.

"I hope so. I expect great things from all of you. Understand?" Crystal asks.

Everyone murmurs in agreement which makes Crystal smile.

"Good. If you deviate from the plan or disappoint me, then I'll have no choice to "accidentally" cause an accident." Crystal threatens. "You're all free to go. I'll notify you about the next meeting when the time comes."

"Have a nice day then~", Sakata said as he walked towards Shima. "Let's go take a walk! I want to explore this place before we burn it down~", Sakata said casually as he grabbed Shima to walk faster.

Shima laughs and follows Sakata out the door. "I don't think that'll be happening for a while. We're only on day three of school."

Sakata only laughed as well as they continued talking and exited the building.

Soraru yawned before he gave a quick pat on Sou's head. "I'll go back now. See you tomorrow I guess.", he said before walking towards the exit as well.

Sou smiles at his new friend. "Bye~! I hope you sleep well!" Then Sou also leaves.

"Good bye," Kashitaro says and leaves the room, leaving only Luz and Crystal.

Crystal sighs and looks at Luz. "Luz."

Luz who was about to leave as well turned back confused. "Y-yes?", Luz replied feeling nervous about suddenly being called out.

"I understand you are nervous about this. But, please understand that this must be done. I'd really hate for you to befall a terrible fate," Crystal tells him.

"Y-yes, I understand what you're trying to do. And I have no intention to get in your way. I was just asking myself why we had to do it in this way... Is there really no way to resolve this peacefully?", Luz asked.

"If there was a peaceful solution, do you think I would have suggested this? I've tried peaceful approaches. All I'm met with is violence and hate. That's why I'm resorting to violence. Please understand me," Crystal tells him.

Luz took in those words as he stayed silent for a second before nodding. "Alright... I guess there's no other way. I saw how people have treated my mother and I really want that to stop. If we do this... do you think my mother will finally get the respect she deserves?", Luz asked as he looked at Crystal hopefully.

"Absolutely. She'll be seen as the mother of someone who ended discrimination. Don't you want to make her proud?" Crystal asks.

"I do. And if this is the only way to end the discrimination towards my mother and everyone else then I just have to go through it. I'll do my best to make this plan a success.", Luz declared.

Crystal smiles. "I was hoping you'd say that. Now go off and bloom my little sunflower."

"Yes. Have a nice day, Crystal-san.", Luz bowed before he left the room as well, heading back home.

Word Count: 1281

Okie everyone! I have something important to announce. The both of us are putting this book on a very short break. It'll only be for two weeks, so you may not notice it. This is because we are working on a project. You'll find out what it is in two weeks. Anyways, until next time~!

~Crystal Out!

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