Chapter 8: Prime Fluff

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I have three things to apologize to y'all for. 1. Sorry about the late update, we literally finished this two weeks ago but I was too lazy to edit it all together. 2. Sorry for making Urata really dumb in this chapter. And 3. Sorry for robbing you of prime NaruLuz. Anywho, this is a long ass chapter and it is very fluffy with some mild angst. Enjoy~

Urata woke up very happy. Why? Because today is Saturday and there is no school on Saturdays!

Urata cuddled deeper in to his bed, content with just relaxing for the day. He hoped that no one, especially the brat, Sakata, wouldn't annoy him today.

Luz woke up as well as he changed into his casual clothes. He wanted to use the chance to explore this whole place while he still had the chance. Not wanting to just go off without the telling the brunette though, the light-haired male walked towards Urata's room and knocked lightly on the door before speaking up.

"Urata-san, I'm going out for a bit to see the whole place here. I just wanted to tell you.", Luz explained before he spoke up again after a second. "Do you want to accompany me?", he asked.

"No. I sleep today." Urata mumbles from his cocoon of blankets. "Now go. And if you see Sakata, make sure he knows I'm not home. I don't wanna deal with him today."

Luz only sighed before he smiled nethertheless. "Alright then, I will go now then! See you later, Urata-san!", Luz said before he headed out, taking a walk and not caring which way to go right now.

Nqrse was sitting out on his porch watching the sky. He had always been an early riser so this was normal. He saw Luz walking by and decided that he'd see what his friend was up to.

"Luz!" Nqrse calls out to him.

Luz turned towards the pink-haired male when he heard someone calling him and gave the other a smile. "Ah, Nqrse-san! Good morning.", Luz greeted smiling softly at the other. "I see that you woke up early as well. Did you want to take a walk too?", Luz asked tilting his head.

"I was watching the sky! Are you taking a walk though?" Nqrse asks him.

"I was. I wanted to see everything here because I'm not away from home very often.", Luz explained smiling lightly.

"May I accompany you then?" Nqrse asks. "It's boring to be alone isn't it?"

"Ah, don't worry, it's not.", Luz denied before he waved his hands around when he noticed how impolite it must have sounded. "But I'd love to take a walk with you!", he exclaimed blushing.

"Yay~!" Nqrse cheers and walks up beside him. "Where do you want to go first?"

"I wanted to see if there are any other different interesting buildings besides the school and dorms so I was hoping to find something like that.", Luz answered. "I don't know what there is though so we would have to go around and hope to find something in the way.", Luz said scratching his cheek.

"Lets go exploring then!" Nqrse exclaims and starts walks.

Luz nodded as he fastened his pace and followed the other male.

"Hey, isn't that Sakata over there?" Nqrse points over across the street where Sakata was sitting looking like a dejected puppy. "He looks like an abandoned puppy."

Luz noticed as he felt bad for the red-haired male. For some reason, he thought it was a bad idea to go over to him though because it wouldn't end well for Urata. "Yes... I wonder why he isn't with Shima-san. They looked like good friends to me so I thought they'd spend their weekend together as well.", Luz stated.

"Oh, Shima-san went to hang out with Senra-san today from what I heard. The two of them started talking last night and got buddy-buddy with each other," Nqrse explains.

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