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It was the end of the day. Kelsey had made it down to Jack's locker before he left but that would've happened no matter how long it took her because he was waiting.

The hallways were empty with not a soul in sight. Besides the janitor but we know they have no soul. I mean they clean up middle schoolers shit for a living. Yikes.

Jack pushes Kelsey up against the lockers, his forehead coming up to her nose. He looks up at her lovingly.

"I like you." He says in all seriousness.

Kelsey furrows her eyebrows. "I mean I would hope so. We're kinda dating."

Jack sighed in frustration. "No. I like like you."

Kelsey's expression remained unchanged. "Once again. I sure hope so."

Jack ran his hand through his hair and stepped away. "You know what. Never mind. You don't get it. Go play your sports ball or whatever."

Kelsey simply shrugged and turned, walking away to do just that. She may have seemed unbothered but really she would be thinking about this moment for the rest of her life probably.

Jack walked the opposite direction, his eyes glued to the ground. He had planned on telling her how he really felt about her but it didn't work. She was either too dense or too slow. Probably both.

Kelsey went to the gym and changed into her Jersey. The whole time she was thinking, 'tf was that about?'

Fueled by pure confusion, Kelsey led the Pierce girls basketball team to a win ⁴²⁰ to ¹.

Jack sat on his bed, trying to create a master plan. His eyes darted around the room as he tried to think.

He finally thought of something and aggressively clapped his hands together. "THATS PERFECT!" He yelled.

His mom poked her head into the room. "What's perfect, honey?" She asked lovingly.

"NONE OF YOUR GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING BUSINESS. NOW GET THE FUCK OUT NOW!" He yelled because he's white so that's how his parents work.

She simply nodded and left the room, not fully closing the door behind her. This enraged Jack so he got up and slammed the door shut. "I hate her so much." He mumbled then began to form his master plan.

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