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"So do you trust that cyborg?" Jim asked me. He was just about finished mopping for the day. We talked the whole evening.

"Silver?" I cocked a brow. He nodded.

"I've known him since I was a kid - he worked with my father for years." I said. "I was fascinated by all his gadgets since I'd never met a cyborg before. He was my form of entertainment until I was old enough to actually manage the ship with Satchel."

"Before I was given the map, a salamander warned me to beware of the Cyborg. It just so happens that he is one on this specific trip."

"I get it." I jumped off the barrel I've been sitting on for the past hour. "But you can trust me. I won't let anything happen to that map. I won't let my father's dream die."

"...Is that why you came back?"

"For the most part, yes. When Amelia told me that some boy found the map to Treasure Planet, I knew it was only right to let her take the RLS Legacy. And it was also time for me to get back out there again."

Before Jim could respond, Silver walked up to the deck.

"Well, thank heavens for little miracles. Up here for an hour and the deck's still in one piece." Silver dumped out some gunk over the ship while he smiled back at us. "Ah, but only because this here lass is keeping you out of trouble, ay?"

"You heard about that?" Jim rubbed the back of his neck out of embarrassment.

"Why, the whole ship heard about it!" Silver laughed. "Didn't your pop ever teach you to pick your fights a little bit more carefully?"

Jim only looked away with his brows furrowed.

Silver cocked his brow. "Your father not the teachin' sort?"

"No." Jim glanced at me. "He was more the taking off and never coming back sort."

"Oh." Silver frowned, making his way over to the edge of the boat with Jim and I. "Sorry, lad."

"Hey, no big deal." Jim crossed his arms on the rail.

I did the same. "My mom walked out on us, too. But look at us now, right?"

Jim chuckled. "Right. We're doing just fine."

"Is that so?" Silver asked. "Well, since the captain has put you in my charge, like it or not, I'll be pounding a few skills into that thick head of yours to keep you out of trouble."

"Wha-!? I thought that's what she was for!" Jim pointed back at me.

Silver shook his head. "Selene has her own duties to attend to. From now on, I'm not letting you out of me sight."

"You can't do-" Jim turned around to face me. "Can't you do something to get me out of this?!"

I lightly laughed. "Sorry, but my hands are tied. Amelia put him in charge of you."

"But you're in charge of the both of them!"

"I think you'd rather work with Silver than her," I smirked. "trust me."

"You won't so much as eat, sleep, or scratch your bum without my say-so." Silver pounded his fist on the rail for more emphasis.

"Don't do me any favors!"

"Oh, you can be sure if that, my lad." Silver walked in the middle of Jim and I and pulled us into him. "You can sure of that."

When he let go, he patted my shoulder lightly. "Put him to bed, lassy. He has a big day in the mornin'"

"Will do, Sir." I smiled. We watched him walk away and when he was out of sight, Jim groaned. "Great, just what I needed."

"Oh, he's not so bad." I playfully nudged him. "But he's right, it is getting late. We should get to bed."


Him and I walked together to the bunkers. He asked me where I stayed. "In my estate room. There's a bed in there."

"Cool." Jim slicked his hair back. "I'll see you in the morning then."

I nodded with a small smile. "Sure. Goodnight." When I turned and began to walk away, I merely heard him breath out "Goodnight."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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