Chapter 3: Period

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Luke's Pov: " Today, I woke up this morning with an upset stomach and I thought that my stomach was just messed up because of something that didn't agree with me, but it turns out that wasn't the case; turns out that my period came. "

Ashton: " Babe, how about you go lay down and I will be up to cuddle with you in a few minutes. " he says hugging his favorite person.

Luke: " Okay. " he replies breaking the hug and walking upstairs to their Master Bedroom Suite.

Ashton: " See you in a few minutes. " he says to Luke blowing him a kiss.

Luke: " See you in a few. " he says catching Ashton's kiss.

Luke's Pov: " So I am going upstairs to our Master Bedroom Suite To Lay Down on our full-size bed because I am cramping bad, and my period came today, and it sucks. "

Ashton: " It was great seeing you all and video chatting with you Michael but now it's time for you all to go; Luke is upstairs waiting for me. " he says to everyone.

Calum: " It's fine. " he says to Ashton.

Ashton: " Sorry to kick you out and to end our chat. " he says to Calum first and then to Michael.

Katrina: " It's fine, you have to go take care of Luke. " she says to Ashton giving him a side hug.

Ashton: " Thanks for understanding. " he says to Katrina.

Michael: " We all have to get together sometime. " he says to Ashton and Calum.

Calum: " We should. " he says agreeing with Mikey.

Ashton: " Sounds good. " he says agreeing with Calum and Michael.

Luke: " Ashton, where are you? " he says from upstairs sounding like he is about to cry.

Ashton: " I'll be up there soon. " he says to Luke feeling sad that his lover wasn't feeling all that great right now and wanted to cry.

Luke: " Okay. " he says trying not to start crying because his cramps were so bad.

Ashton: " Do you want anything? " he asks Luke knowing that he is uncomfortable.

Luke: Do we have a heating pad or something, I'm cramping bad.

Ashton: I can go check.

Luke: Please do.

Ashton: Are you feeling nauseous? * he says noticing that his husband was taking deep breaths *

Luke: Yes, I am feeling nauseous. * still taking deep breaths *

Ashton: I'll go get a bucket just in case you throw up.

Luke: Okay.

Ashton: Do you want me to rub your stomach?

Luke: Please, I just hope that it helps.

Ashton: Okay. * he says climbing in their bed and then spooning Luke so he could rub his stomach *

Luke: Thanks Ash. * He says before falling asleep in his embrace *

Ashton: He must be so tired. * he says while he continues to rub his stomach *

While Luke is sleeping and while Ashton is rubbing his stomach, Luke gets hit with a wave of nausea; causing him to tap Ash on his arm to tell him to stop rubbing his stomach.

Ashton: You want me to stop. * he asks *

Luke: * Whimpers *

Ashton: I'll take that as a yes.

Luke hadn't been asleep for an hour before his nauseous stomach twisted threating to spill his stomach on the bed sheets and on Ashton which caused him to wake up.

Ashton: Sweetie, what's the matter? * He asked seeing Luke awake before he could go to sleep *

Luke: My stomach is so nauseous.

Ashton: Do you want me to put the bucket on our bed?

Luke: Ashton, I'm gonna puke. * He says taking deep breaths * 

Ashton: Hang on baby. * He says putting the bucket on their bed *

Luke: Ugh. * he groans *

Ashton: Come on baby, it's okay. * he says rubbing his back as he gagged *

Luke: Ash, will you please sing to me? * he says gagging after *

Ashton: Uh, sure. * he says taking a deep breath before singing to Luke *

Luke: Thanks. I know that it's weird, but my mum used to sing to me when I was sick and throwing up. * he confesses cheekily before he started to spill his contents in the bucket on their bed *

Ashton: That isn't weird, it just makes you comfortable. * he says beginning to sing Luke's favorite song by the band to him *

Luke: Thanks. * he says before expelling his stomach contents in the bucket *

Ashton: You're doing good baby. * he says before singing the second verse *

Luke: * Throws up some more *

Ashton: * Sings the Chorus *

Luke: * sobs from his cramps and the vomiting *

Ashton: Shh. * he says trying to calm him down before singing the bridge *

By the time Ash finished singing the song Luke was only dry heaving, he didn't have anything else to bring up.

Ashton: Are you done sweetie?

Luke: Yes. * he says laying on Ash's lap after he took the bucket off the bed and put it back on the floor *

Ashton: It's okay sweetie, you're finished. * he says running his fingers through his hair *

Luke: Ash, it hurts so bad. * he says crying again *

Ashton: I know baby, try, and rest. * he says while he was still running his fingers through his hair *

Luke: Okay. * he says with tears still running down his face *

Ashton's Pov: To be honest, I have never seen Luke cry except when he was feeling like shit. I was pretty surprised when he started crying; his cramps must've been really bad if he started crying. While I was running my hands through Luke's hair, I started to get sleepy and so, I snuggle up with a blanket while Luke was on my lap sleeping and fell asleep sitting up with my head on the headboard of our bed. 

Luke's POV: I had been sleep for two hours maybe three when I felt something wet in my boxers, I slowly got  up of my husband's lap and went to the bathroom; I felt that I needed  to go and so I put the lid up to the toilet and sat down after taking down my pants and boxers, when I looked at the inside of my boxers I saw blood, I knew that I needed to put a pad on and so, I did.

Ashton: Luke, where are you?

Luke: I'm in the bathroom, I needed to go, and I needed to put a pad on.

Ashton: Okay, sweetie.

Luke: I'm not nauseous again but I'm still cramping, and they are still pretty bad.

Ashton: Do you want me to give you something for your cramps?

Luke: Ash, will you.

Ashton: Okay, Hang on.

Luke: Alright.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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