19. E is for Embr-Emma

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There was a knock on the door around 8:30 sharp. Paul and the boys were waiting outside the door, in suits, with what appeared to be a keg and five bags of ice. When Sarah opened up the door, she began catcalling them one by one as they stepped through the door, starting with Paul. When he entered, she felt butterflies in her stomach. Damn did he look good in a suit. She tried her best not to gawk but failed at it. She hadn't even noticed Paul checking her out, only he let out a more audible damnnnn. Sarah blushed then pecked him quickly on his lips. He headed into the kitchen with the keg and began to set it up.

Quil entered after him carrying 2 six packs, he reached in for a hug then quickly picked her on the cheek then went to help Paul. Jared entered with Kim at his side, holding at least twenty pizzas and a couple bottles of pop. Jared hugged Sarah then went on to put the pizzas down. "Jared Cameron, don't you dare even think about eating any of the food yet" Sarah said sternly, a frown formed on Jared's face.

Emma who had disappeared after taking pictures finally came back, and met all Sarah's friends. "Emma, this is Kim. She's one of the few people who've been keeping me sane since I've moved here, she's kinda like another version of you I guess" as Emma reached in to shake her hand, Kim pulled her into a hug. This time it was Emma who was struggling to breathe. "Hey Kim! I think thats enough for now, Embry's still trying to get in. Emma, are you okay" Sarah giggled. Emma's hand shot up, giving them a thumbs up. Once Kim hugged them both, she headed off into the kitchen to set up the snacks she'd bought. Embry was the last to enter. Sarah could tell he was a little unsure of being there, as his eyes never left the ground for a second. "Hey Embry! You good?" Sarah asked. He looked up at her and mumbled a yes. He side hugged Sarah, then, as he was about to take a seat on the couch, Emma spoke out. "Hey! I'm Emma! Nice to meet you" she said with a warm smile.

Embry turned to see who the voice belonged to. Once their eyes met, Embry had frozen in his spot. His expression warmed instantly and his eyes let off a distinct spark. He couldn't keep his eyes off of Emma. Nor could she. Both were locked in an intense stare, neither of them dared to break. Embry finally reached his hand out to shake hers. "Hi... I'm Embry... Embry call, nice to meet you" he said with a smile.

Everyone could feel the tension in the room once Embry had turned to face Emma. Jared was the first to notice what was happening, Kim giggled quietly once she pieced it together. Paul's eyes dropped to the floor, then back at Sarah.

All of the unspoken communication that was going on had made it clear.

Embry had imprinted on Emma.

Once Sarah had figured out what had happened, she decided to break up the tension the best way she knew how to.

"How about we do some shots and introduce ourselves to Emma!" Sarah suggested. Kim clapped and said "I love that!". Paul already began pouring shots for everyone, except Sarah. Sarah wasn't much of a drinker, so he poured her a shot of perrier. "I'll go first" Kim suggested. Once she introduced herself, she and Emma linked arms then downed their shots. Paul refilled Emma's glass then formally introduced himself. They did this 'til Emma was tipsy and they were already down half a bottle of Absolut.

By 9:00 Jake, Seth and Leah had arrived and introduced themselves to Emma. Although Emma was getting along well with everyone, she found herself being pulled towards Embry, yet she couldn't understand why. Whenever Embry was out of sight she felt her stomach knot up as if she needed him there by her side at all times. She felt strangely comfortable with him. And though she had to remind herself that she was technically still with Simon, despite their most recent spat which seemed to have lasted forever, Emma could not stop herself from flirting with or finding reasons to talk to Embry.

Embry remembered Sarah showing him pictures of Emma but never remembered or even paid attention to how beautiful she was. Not until he had seen her earlier that night, for the first time. Whenever he would see that she was alone or seemed uncomfortable he would be by her side in an instant making sure she'd felt safe and happy. At first he thought that Emma would have found him strange for doing so, being that they'd known each other the same amount of time she knew the rest of the gang, every time Embry flirted with her, she would reciprocate it in a heartbeat.

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