32. Damn and I Thought the Cullens' Had a Nice House

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Sarah looked out the window as Stefan drove, humming along to the tune on the radio. "So, how long have you guys been dating?" Elena asked. Sarah could almost feel Paul blushing as he replied, "not long". He said with a smirk. He adjusted his hand along Sarah's shoulder, pulling her closer in the back of the tiny hatchback. "Ah, young love" Stefan said with a smirk. Elena giggled at this. "So how do you know Emma?" Stefan asked, turning the radio's volume down. "I've known her since 9th grade. She's my first and only best friend" Sarah explained. "Do you move around a lot?" Elena asked. "We used to, growing up I'd never been in one place for too long, till we moved to Tacoma. But then my dad got a job in Forks, near his Rez, so we all moved there." Sarah explained. "Do you miss the city?" Stefan asked, looking through the rear view mirror. "Sometimes, but I love La Push. So, I can't really complain" she said with a smile. "What do you like about it?" Paul asked teasingly. "The men, mostly" Sarah replied. Elena chortled. 

"So, Emma told us you have a vampire coven up in Forks, what're they like?" Stefan asked quizzically. Paul let out a sigh, "they're a handful" he replied. Stefan chuckled. "What, you guys don't get along?" he asked. "We have our moments, as long as they stay on their side - we have no problems with them" Paul replied. "How long have they been in Forks?" Stephan asked. "For as long as our tribe's been there." Paul replied. "And uh, this coven, do they feed on human blood?" Stefan asked. "Nope. Animal blood" Sarah chimed in. "Stefan's the same. He's not one for human blood. Not anymore at least- Damon, on the other hand... Well..." Elena's mind trailed off mid-sentence. "Damon's a menace" Stefan added. "I could tell" Paul said with a smirk. The four of them chuckled at this. The conversation was cut short, as they pulled into the driveway of what appeared an old-school boarding house. "This place is beautiful" Sarah thought. "and HUGE" Paul replied. "Welcome to the Salvatore boarding house" Stefan said, as the car came to a stop.


"So Cous, how's Rez life treating you" Damon asked, looking into the rearview at Embry. "I love it. It's so peaceful, and everyone is so welcoming" Emma replied cheerily. "I figured as much" Damon said with a smirk, eyeing Embry though the rearview mirror. Embry tensed up in his seat.  "Ha ha, be nice Damon. Embry's not that bad" Emma said calmly. "I guess I'll have to see for myself" Damon replied with a smirk. "Wipe that grin off your face" Emma said. "What grin?" Damon asked, still smirking. "So Em, what's it like dating a werewolf? The one's I've... encountered, were all batshit crazy- one of em even tried killing me" Damon asked. "It's great, maybe you just attract all the crazies Cous" Emma said with a chuckle. "Yeah, maybe". 

"So, Embry, are you a crazy werewolf?" Damon asked. "As crazy as crazy comes" Emma replied with a giggle. "No sir, I'm not crazy- I.." Embry began to reply. "Sir? Come on, just cuz I'm what almost two hundred years old, give or take a few, doesn't mean you have to call me sir" Damon said with a chuckle. "Although, it does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it cous?" Damon asked. "Embry was just being polite, no need to be a dick, Damon." Emma replied coldly. "Me? A dick? Nah, the kid knows I'm just fooling around- don't ya kid?" Damon tightened his stare on Embry. Embry shifted in his seat again, "Yeah Em, he's just joking- don't worry" he said, half-assedly. "Embry's not crazy. He's the nicest guy you'll meet. Besides Seth- but that's cuz he's yet to grow up" Emma replied calmly. "Is Seth the buff guy with the attractive lady driving with Stef?" Damon asked. 

"No, that's Paul... Paul's nice, but he can have a temper, so maybe don't refer to his girlfriend as attractive in front of him, he wouldn't like that" Embry replied. "Ah, so he's hot headed. Noted." Damon said. And with that, the conversation came to an end. Embry tuned out as Emma and her *cousin* caught up. She told him about the Rez, the pack, and the Cullens. Embry felt his eyes get heavy as he paid attention to the woods they were driving past. As his eyes began to droop, he felt the car stop abruptly. "Wake up sleepyhead, get your ass outta the car. We're here" Damon said, his voice booming in Embry's ears, Embry woke with a jolt. "This... is your house?" Embry asked, eyeing the gorgeous mansion. "Oh man, I haven't been here in forever" Emma's eyes lit up as she looked up at the Salvatore boarding house. The memories of her times there, flooding back to her. A smile crept across her lips. Embry hopped out of the backseat of the Mustang, and looped his fingers with hers. 


"Took you guys long enough" Damon said, as he walked up to the porch of the house. Embry turned back to see who he was talking to. The two blondes pulled up in the pick-up truck, and parked behind the red buggy. "We uh, blew a tire" the blonde girl said with a guilty look on her face, as she climbed out the passenger side of the truck. "You're a terrible liar, Caroline" Damon said with a smirk. The blonde girl fixed her hair, while looking in the side mirror. "I'm not lying Damon" Caroline replied coldly. The blonde dude was grabbing the bags from the cabin, as Caroline walked up to Emma. "You must be Emma! Your uncles have said such amazing things about you!" Caroline said with a large grin. She pulled Emma into a hug. "Wow, really? Even Damon?" Emma asked. 

"That's surprising, considering he never has nice things to say about anyone, ever" Emma said with a smirk. "Watch it" Damon said as he stepped into the boarding house. "Yes, even Damon. Actually, Damon couldn't stop talking about how excited he was that you guys were coming". In that moment, a silver dagger flew in the direction of Caroline. Caroline, swift as ever, was able to catch it before it touched her. "Watch it Blondie, or the next time I throw a dagger at you, I'll remember not to miss" Damon said from the lounge. "Why're you guys just standing around? Go inside" The blonde dude said, holding two oversized luggage bags over his head like a coolie. 

And with that, the couple, along with Caroline and the other blonde dude, stepped into the gorgeous house. Matt, closing the door behind them. 


"Damn, and I thought the Cullens' had a nice house" Embry thought to himself. "Nah man, this places makes their house look like a barn" Paul replied. Sarah chuckled. "What's up?" Stefan asked, hearing the sound of Sarah's giggle. "Nothing really... The guys were just saying how The Cullens' have nothing on you guys" she said with a smile. "Why am I not surprised to hear that" Damon said wryly, while pouring himself some scotch. "Anybody want some?" he asked, offering the bottle around. None of the wolves indulged, Emma considered it. "Don't worry, I'm no narc" Damon said. Elena rolled her eyes. "They're kids, Damon" she said in an unimpressed tone. "Uh, Elena - thank you for the concern, but we're all actually the same age" Emma chimed in. "Oh... well in that case, help yourselves" Elena said, her cheeks the colour of tomatoes. "Don't mind if I do" Paul said, as he joined Damon at the bar. 

"So you guys can hear each other's thoughts huh?" Stefan asked Embry. "Yup, every member of the pack is able to hear each other's thoughts, even when we're in our human form". Embry explained. "Every thought?" Damon asked. Embry nodded. "Hmm... interesting" Damon said, as he took a seat on the leather sofa in the living room. "Sometimes, if we focus hard enough we're able to conceal our thoughts from other pack members - but never from Sam" Embry continued. "Who's Sam?" Stefan asked. "Our Alpha" Embry, Sarah and Paul said, in sync. "Alright well, you guys have had a pretty busy day, so why don't we show you your rooms. You guys can get settled, and then we can all go grab a bite, and show you around the town?" Stefan suggested. "That sounds like a good idea" Sarah chimed in, the others nodded their heads in agreement. "Elena, why don't you show the boys their rooms? Caroline you handle the ladies" Stefan suggested. "Sure, you guys can follow me" Elena said, as she started leading the boys out of the living room. "We'll be right behind you" Caroline said with a smile. "Is she always this cheerful?" Paul wondered. Sarah giggled, as the group followed the two girls. 

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