26. Sarah's First Patrol

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As Jake entered Sam and Emily's home, he was hit with the familiar aroma of Emily's lasagna. "What did you guys start eating without me?" he asked, sounding kind of bummed out. Emily smiled as he approached the kitchen. "Of course not, here, come take a seat, I was just about to take the lasagna's out of the oven" she gestured to a chair next to Embry and Emma. Jake sat down as she brought out 3 lasagnas to the table.

"How was Bella's?" Emily asked, Jake, shrugged his shoulders, "Same old, I guess". "Was the leech there?" Paul asked, trying not to make a face. Jake nodded his head, "Let's face it, when is he not there?" Quil butted in. Everyone giggled. "I take it the leech is Bella's vampire boyfriend?" Emma asked. "Yep. They're always attached at the hip. Well, when she's not with Jake that is" Embry explained.

"So what's your guys' deal anyway?" Emma asked, with a mouthful of a lasagna. "It's hard to explain," Jake said. "No, it's not. Jake has a crush, Bella loves the leech, and the leech is a smug asshole about it" Leah said, proudly. Sarah elbowed Leah in the chest, "What? It's true. She loves the vampire and would do anything for him. Jake should just own up to the fact that she chose him, and that he doesn't have a chance with her" Leah said annoyed. "Shut it, Leah," Jake spat. "No, you shut it. You let that lanky pale face push you around and play with your feelings all because you're too scared to face the facts. She'll never choose you Jake" Leah said.

Jake tried to stop himself from what he was about to say but it was too late. "Just like Sam will never choose you over Emily. Yet somehow, that doesn't stop you from getting on all fours, panting to get his attention, even though he's moved on a long time ago. Why don't you face the facts Leah, and get over him? He's never gonna love you like that again, and I'm sick and tired of replaying your memories together. I'm tired of panting over my alpha all because you can never get over the fact that he chose her over you" Sam glared at Jake, as Leah slammed her fork on the table and left the cabin. "Go apologize. Now" Sam used his Alpha voice, yet there was no use. Jake knew he fucked up. By the time Jake left the Cabin, Leah was gone.

"Way to ruin lasagna night, Jake," Seth said, upset over what had been said about his sister, and his cold lasagna. The group finished eating in silence. Once they had finished eating, Embry and Emma got up to help Emily clean up, not wanting to deal with the awkwardness that was still looming over the table.

Leah had joined them almost ten minutes after the fight, yet said nothing to anyone. "Sam once I'm done cleaning up we can head for patrol" Embry called from the kitchen. "No," Sam said sternly. Embry walked back to the table with a confused look on his face. "What? I thought we had patrol tonight?" he asked. "WE-" Sam gestured to Sarah, Paul, Jake, Quil, Jared and Leah, "have to patrol tonight. YOU, don't" Embry looked confused again. "What about me?" Embry asked, almost hurt.

"God, Embry you're an idiot," Quil said, rolling his eyes. "A deal's a deal, kid. No patrol for a week. You're free" Sam said with a smile. Embry's eyes lit up as he went to high five Quil. "Thanks, man," he said to Sam, then went back to Emma's side.

"Is everyone good? Can we head out?" Sam asked. The group nodded their heads and followed Sam out of the cabin. Once they were far enough from the cabin Jake cleared his throat. "We have a problem, guys" Jake started off. "What kind of a problem?" Sam raised his eyebrows. "A Bella kind of problem" Jake said, trying to look away from Paul's glaring eyes. As hard as he tried, Jake could still feel Paul's stare burning a hole into his face. "Sarah can you maybe control your man for a second so I can tell you what's up" Sarah giggled then punched Paul in the abdomen.

"Damn girl. You're almost as strong as me now" Paul feigned a hurt expression as Sarah winked back at him, hoping nobody caught that. "Ew. Can you guys stop fucking around, it's important" Jake spat. Sarah stopped laughing. "So what's the problem?" Leah asked. "A Nomad passed through Bella's house yesterday. When I brought her over to work on the bike. Before you guys left for Sarah's house" Jake said. "Did they hurt anyone?" Leah asked. Jake shook his head. "Did they take anything?" Quil asked. Jake shook his head. "Wait. You said it passed through before the guys left for Sarah's?" Jake nodded. "Well, Sarah. I guess we've found the trigger" Sam said with a slight smirk.

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