chapter 5: Run Away With Me

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Author's Note: HUGE thank you to my fiance ace (funkobraofficial on tumblr) for beta-reading, and for drawing the gorgeous art featured above! <3

this chapter marks both the end of the first arc and the beginning of the second!


"We got Dracs on our tail!" Party shouts, pressing down harder on the gas pedal. Kobra leans out the window to get a better look at the Draculoids racing toward them on their shining white motorcycles.

"I can get rid of 'em pretty easy with Ghoul's help," he says, eyeing them. There's a calvary of about twenty that he can see, and maybe a dozen cars, probably carrying some of BL/ind's superheroes, or maybe just exterminators. He could probably figure out which if he concentrated on them, but just blowing them all up would probably be a better idea.

"Can we do it without killin' anyone?" Ghoul asks, and Kobra pulls back into the car to look at him over the back of his seat. He can't see Ghoul's expression through his mask, but he can sense his thoughts. Ghoul's never really gotten over the accidental deaths his inability to control his power caused when he was a kid, and he tries to avoid killing with it when he can--even when they're running for their lives from a bunch of BL/ind agents.

Kobra respects that, but sometimes it makes things a little more difficult than it needs to be.

He nods. "Should be able to just flip the cars and stuff, get 'em off our tail."

"'S not a guarantee, though."

"Never a guarantee, Ghoul."

"Just keep us out of the blast zone, Kobes," says Party.

Kobra nods again, then leans out the window again, just as the first blast of a ray gun zips past his face, narrowly missing his helmet. "Fuck! Ghoul, make a decision!"

"Yeah, fuck, okay!" Ghoul shifts in his seat, cranking the window down and facing it. "Lemme know when to scream."

Kobra watches the BL/ind vehicles move closer. "Party," he says. "Can you get this thing goin' faster?"

"Maybe!" Party's eyes are flicking between the rearview mirror and the windshield. "Not without takin' my hands off the wheel, though, and you're about to be occupied!"

Kobra's gaze flickers to the BL/ind agent in the backseat. Ex-BL/ind agent, he supposes. He doesn't quite trust the guy yet, but he's not getting any troubling thoughts or emotions from him--fear and anxiety, yes, but he's pretty sure he's picking that up from everyone in the car, in varying amounts.

"Hey," he says, ducking back into the car. The BL/ind guy looks over at him, eyes wide. "Can you lean forward and take the wheel while Party does their thing?"

"What?" The guy blinks at him, and Kobra rolls his eyes.

"Lean forward," Kobra says again, "and steer the car. Party's gotta speed up if we're gonna get far enough away to hit where we need to."

"Oh," he says, then, "Oh! Oh, yeah, I--hang on." The guy moves forward, leaning over the seat as Party shifts to one side, and grabs the wheel with one hand. "Okay," he says, and Kobra's picking up even more nervous energy from this guy. Ugh, fuck, he better not steer them off a cliff or somethin'.

Party, foot still pressed to the pedal, frowns down at their feet. "Okay," they say. "Never done this before, but--" They flick their wrist, clench their fist, and make a quick punching motion.

The car shoots forward, scenery turning into a blur around them and the BL/ind cars falling behind them. The BL/ind guy in their car swears under his breath, stretching to bring his other arm up around Party to grip the wheel.

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