Epilogue: Well I Sure Like the Way You're Looking at Me

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Jet awakens, soft and warm, to find the bedroom already filled with the golden light of morning. He shifts, and stretches a little, and turns over in bed to face Party lying beside him.

Party hasn't woken up yet, but that's not unusual. Jet looks them over, feels that light, fluttery feeling he gets in his chest every morning.

They're lying on their back, their limbs spread out, one arm dangling off the bed. Their head is tilted back and to the side, mouth open slightly as they snore quietly. Jet smiles, and scoots closer, pressing a kiss against their cheek.

Party snorts a little, turning over and nuzzling into their pillow.

Jet reaches over and gently runs his fingers down Party's arm, stroking from shoulder to hand and back up again. They mumble something, and stretch, and then slowly open their eyes, squinting at him. They spit out a lock of red hair that's found its way into their mouth and murmur a rough, quiet, "G'mornin'."

They're so beautiful.

"Mornin', Party," Jet says, and kisses a line from Party's collarbone up to the corner of their mouth. "How'd ya sleep?"

"Mm." Party tilts their face closer and kisses him more fully. Their hand finds its way into his hair, holding him against them, and he doesn't protest. "Real good," they say, pulling back just enough to speak, their lips still touching his. "How 'bout yourself, gorgeous?"

Jet kisses them instead of answering, wrapping an arm around their waist to pull them flush against him. He hums into their mouth, rolls them both so that he can press them into the bed, kiss their neck.

"So, real good, huh?" Party asks with a pleased chuckle. "Fuck, Jet. We don't gotta be anywhere this mornin', right?"

Jet shakes his head, curls spilling around him, and Party's about to kiss him again when they both come to the same realization at the same time.

"Fuck," Party says, eyes widening, and Jet freezes above them. "Today's the goddamn commitment ceremony!"

"Oh my god," Jet says, rolling off of them and barely catching himself before he falls off the bed. "Fuck, the sun's already up, what time is it?"

Party scrambles out from underneath the covers, sending pillows flying everywhere as they lower themself to the floor. "Fuck if I know," they cry, hurrying over to the closet. "But we absolutely overslept and, oh my god, everyone's gonna beat us there, Jet, hurry, get dressed!"

Jet rushes to catch up with Party, grabbing the clothes he'd picked out yesterday--his favorite hawaiian shirt and the jeans with all the little shiny rhinestones on them--and tugging them on. "I mean, they can't really start without us, can they?"

"Jet, all our friends are assholes. Of fucking course they'd start without us!" Party pulls their own shirt over their head and stares at him. "Fuck, you wanted me to braid your hair this mornin', damn it, do we even have time for that?"

"It's okay, I'll just wear it down, it's not a big deal." Jet crams his feet into his boots.

"But it's finally long enough to braid and it's, like, the most special occasion!" Party whines, putting their own shoes on.

"Oh my god, Party, if you wear those you'll sink into the sand," he says, eyeing the spiky black heels in Party's hand.

"Babe, you know I can handle literally any ensemble without problem," they say, winking. "Plus, they make my legs look fuckin' killer."

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