Uninvited guests

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”Liv!” Caroline called as she walked the empty halls of the dorm.

This was not how her friendsgiving dinner was supposed to go. They were supposed to be eat, give thanks and get a hell of a lot drunk. But here she was; looking for Tyler’s new ‘something’, who she had accidentally offended. Hell, Caroline killed her brother and this is what the witch chose to be mad about?

“Liv! Will you please just come out here so I can apologize? I’m sorry, okay?” she yelled into thin air and expectedly got no answer. “Where the hell is the witch?!”

“Right here, darling.” an unfamiliar voice called out and Caroline turned to find herself face to face with a strange woman, who looked at the blonde as if they knew each other. Caroline blinked in surprise and then looked around warily, not sure how the woman had managed to sneak up on her.

“Uhm… I didn’t mean like a real witch, because clearly they don’t exist.” Caroline laughed nervously and the woman just smiled back at her.

“But we both know that they do. Isn’t that right, Caroline?” the woman asked her softly and it took Caroline a couple of seconds to realise that the stranger had used her name.

“Do I know you?” Caroline asked with her eyes narrowed in suspicion as she crossed her arms in front of her.

“Oh, I don’t think we’ve officially met, but I am planning on getting to know you much better.” the woman told her with a warm smile, but there was something off about the look in her eyes.

Caroline didn’t get a chance to answer before a loud crack resounded through the hall and her world went dark. 

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