Giving thanks

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I know, I know. This was supposed to have been up last monday. But here you have it now. And I accidentally wrote a little more smut into it. Enjoy! And merry 7th December!

"In a hundred words or less, what are you thankful for?" Caroline asked as she lifted herself from where she was half-lying across Klaus' naked chest and looked down on him. Klaus looked at her funnily for a long moment; certain it was a joke, but of course the blonde was serious.

"There is not much for me to be thankful about these days, love." Klaus told her with a bitter smile and a frown settled on Caroline's forehead.

"There must be something." Caroline urged and a thoughtful look appeared in her eyes. "How about your brothers coming back?"

A humourless laugh escaped Klaus as he looked up at the blonde and Caroline let out an irritated sigh.

"Seriously?" she questioned as she rolled completely him and probed herself up on arm. Klaus' wandering gaze made her realise that the sheets had fallen down to pool around her waist and she quickly pulled them up to cover her breasts, which in return made Klaus frown.

"Caroline." Klaus said with a small sigh as he rolled to his side and lifted himself up as well. "What is happening in this city is dark and despicable, and not something to be thankful for. I am at war with my own family; one who use every single one of my weaknesses against me. If I find something to be thankful for, it will be taken from me."

"I get it, okay?" Caroline told him with a sad smile as she reached out and traced her fingertips across his cheek. "But there must be something. Some tiny glimmer of hope that keeps you fighting."

I am thankful that my daughter is alive. My Hope.

But he couldn't tell her that. Caroline couldn't get involved in all of this mess. If it wasn't safe for Hope, then it wasn't safe for Caroline either.

"I am not entirely adverse to the return of my brother." Klaus finally admitted, knowing that the blonde wouldn't stop asking until he gave an answer.

"Who? Kol or Finn?" Caroline asked with a triumphant smile and Klaus looked at her with raised eyebrows. "Right, Kol. Not the brother who tried have you all killed. Just the brother that Elena and Jeremy killed."

Caroline fell back on the bed with a sigh and was suddenly unable to look Klaus in the eyes. Despite everything that had happened before and after that faithful night, she had always felt bad about the death of Klaus' younger brother. And she couldn't help but think about all the vampires who had died along with him.

"Ah yes, perhaps you should warn them about his return. He is a warlock now, but quite the powerful one." Klaus mused and Caroline would have smacked him if she didn't feel so guilty.

"So Kol... and?" Caroline inquired with a curious gaze as rolled over to lie on her stomach with her arms lifting up her head.

"One thing should be more than enough, love." Klaus replied with a stern glare that told her to let it go, but Caroline didn't care about his paranoia.

"What about your father? I know you killed him and all, but don't you feel the tiniest bit thankful for actually having the chance to meet him?" Caroline tried uncertainly and Klaus didn't know if he should be irritated or flattered by her persistence. He was, though, slightly amused by her casual tone as she talked about the murder he had committed.

"If I agree, will you stop pestering me about this?" Klaus asked with a sigh and Caroline nodded with a bright smile on her lips, ignoring his annoyance and unwillingness to talk.

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