chapter 10

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I'm at home with Roc playing Black ops 3: Lock 'n Load on the Xbox.

Roc: man you suck I beat cho' ass 4 times

Ray: naw man you cheated on the last one

Roc: wateva.......hey man can tell you something

Ray: what

Roc: I-I think I like Bahja

Ray: for how long

Roc: 2 years

Ray: and you ain't tell me

Roc: sorry man I was scared

Ray: r u gonna tell her

Roc: l'on know

Ray: the. I can't help you

Zonnique POV

~A couple hours later~

I'm at home home when the doorbell rang and just when the Jacob is transforming into a wolf. Uhg

Zonnique: ( opens door) yes

????: hey baby girl (hugs her)

Zonnique: uh h-hi Zoey(doesn't say hi back)

This isn't going to end well one because he is the last person I was wanted to see and two Ray is coming to hand out at my house. SHIT

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