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I still remember the day she was born. It was a Monday morning that lacked sunshine--a routine that London usually follows--and I had just finished my Pathology midterm. Typically, a Monday morning was the most dreaded time during an entire week; for me, Monday mornings nowadays became a somewhat serendipity.

I rushed myself to the hospital after Claire called me, panting and frazzled. It was the week of her due date, and it was made clear that she would be here any day now. I thought I was prepared for this, but in reality, I really wasn’t.

I remember the moment I saw Claire in the hospital room; her hair was stuck to her forehead, sweat dripping down from her temple, and in pain. I remember her crying in the corner of her bathroom when she found out.

“But we’re so young, Harry. We’re 19 for god’s sake. We aren’t even finished with school yet and I-I-I can’t do this,” she cried in my arms, shaking. “I can’t let this ruin your life,” Claire and I had our lives planned out; she was about to graduate University in 2 years time and for me, I was getting my doctoral degree in 5 years, ahead of schedule compared to the usual student. She was going to publish her book and I was going to be a doctor at age 24. But we’ve been dating for 3 years, and we were both so mature for our age than she thought.  

“Baby, shhh… It’s okay, everything will be alright. We are in this together. We can make this work,” I whispered in her ear. She nodded, wiping her tears on my shoulder; at that moment, I knew everything will be okay.

Doctors and nurses were bustling in and out of the room and I held her hand tightly and she looked at me with her soft blue eyes, “we can do this”. I nodded, aiding the doctor in any way possible. It wasn’t long before she arrived.  

From the moment I saw her beautiful face, I knew she was ours. She was born and in my arms. She had her mother’s eyes, my untamed hair, but most of all, she had innocence. It was something I never experienced before. She looked so fragile and pure. Claire was crying before I knew it, exclaiming that “we made this” and “she’s so beautiful.”

 For everyone else, that Monday was a ordinary day, but for me, it was the day she was born.

Indeed, she was beautiful. My eyes lit up whenever I laid my eyes on her. We named her Seraphina, and she was ours. She was an angel sent down from the gods above.

And for a brief moment in time, we became a family.

A/N: Not a huge expert on the entire “How to become a Doctor” process, but this is complete work of fiction. Some background, it will take roughly 10 years to become a doctor so if you started university at 17, you’ll become a doctor at age 27. It is entirely possible to graduate earlier if you take your prerequisites earlier on. You’ll find out more about Harry’s doctoral process soon. :)


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