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a/n: ^^ harry discussing a patient's file aka what the fuck am i doing with my life seriously this kid


If there was moment in time when I wanted to disintegrate into the floors of the hospital and disappear, this would be the time.

My eyes met into his piercing forest-green ones and I almost had to hold myself back from slapping him. I stepped back, letting the tall figure check on Leo.

“I’m good, Doc. It’s so strange to look down and have only a leg. I feel a sore at the incision and kinda hungry.”

“It’s normal to feel sore. It’ll go away as it heals. The pain relievers are helping, yeah?” His voice was deep and almost like velvet.

Leo nodded.

“Good, good. Well, I assume you’re a Manchester United fan?” he laughed, looking at the walls of the room. Leo was a fanatic.

“Hell yeah, Wayne Rooney is amazing.” Oh god, please don’t get Leo started on his soccer obsession.

“Well, let me give you an overview of what comes next,” he looked down at his clipboard and his notes. “The surgery was really successful. I can almost say you’re cancer-free but we need to run some tests so hopefully it will go well. We are giving you a few weeks to heal so no physical activity at all. You hear me?” Leo nodded.

“Does that mean I have to stay in this bed, like forever?” Leo sighed.

“Uh, you can use the wheelchair to get around but the best thing to do is to relax yourself. You’ll undergo physical therapy after your leg is healed so we will practice using crutches and the prosthetic leg.” he read off the clipboard containing Leo’s information.

“Niiceee. Look Cam! I’m going to be robot!” Leo yelled and I smiled.

The doctor then faced me, “And you are…” he shrugged his eyebrows.

“Camilla Vanderbilt. I work here.” I slightly rolled my eyes.

“Noted. I’m Dr. Harry Styles. I was called in today to do the sur-”

“Yeah. I’ve heard about Dr. Parker.” I interrupted. His lips were in a fine line.

“Yeah. So I need you to keep an eye out on Leo. I want him to go through a pet scan later and I will assume the results will be on my desk tomorrow morning,” he said as a matter-of-factly, and rudely, I might add.

I looked at him and arched an eyebrow. What desk? Bluntly, I echoed, “sure.”

He nodded, and said a goodbye to Leo, exiting the room.

I let out of a breath of air I didn’t know I was holding. This is was Sera’s father....and he was brusque, but he was quite the view.

He had unruly hair that was long and somewhat slicked back, adding another four inches to his tall frame. And those eyes...I knew Sera’s green eyes had to be inherited from her father.

Throughout the two minutes he was in the room, I’ve noticed he has horrible posture; he was to a certain extent hunched over a couple degrees. And not to mention, his accent. So the rumors were true…

I swiftly got some food for Leo, which consisted of lean chicken, some sweet potatoes, a dinner roll, and a glass of water. I also scheduled a pet scan for Leo, as Dr. What’s His Face ordered me to.

My pager beeped, signalling a meeting in the main room. Many nurses and doctors were gathered around the room awaiting the meeting to commence. There was a murmur of people asking “what time do you get off?” and “you want to go get a drink after work?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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