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a/n: ^^ look at harry srsly fuck you fuck you fuck you


And just like Seraphina said, her dad did pack her a bag of apples slices and a cheese sandwich with the crusts cut off.

She sat by some girls in the lunch area and I can tell she was breaking out of her shell with them as well.

I nibbled on the salad I found in the back room refrigerator, keeping an eye on Seraphina. I sat with my fellow colleagues, who were talking about the latest trend of shoulder pads and the usual gossip that goes around the Upper East Side.

I typically zone out into my own little world, thinking about what kind of patients I'll see today and what TV show I'm probably going to 'binge-watch' again tonight. I usually don't participate these conversations, but I can't help myself but eavesdrop.

"You see that girl over there?" a voice whispered, "She's Harry Styles' daughter."

"You mean, the insanely smart, and hot-as-fuck doctor that is currently single?" hushed another.

"Yeah, I absolutely cannot believe he has a kid. It just makes him a bit more hotter."

"I mean, he helps people for a living...isn't that hot enough? I heard he's from England or something. And he lives a couple blocks from here. I bet he's loaded."

"Of course he's loaded. He's like, the youngest doctor ever. I would kill to have a one-night-stand with him."

I made a disgusted face. It's repulsive as to why they need to talk about their sexual fantasies in this non-childproof environment.

"Stop acting like you actually have a chance with him, Joyce. He's exclusive. I heard he hooked up with a NYU student last week and now she thinks that they're dating. It's pretty funny, to be honest."

I scoffed loudly and Joyce and Lily quickly looked over at me, their piercing eyes acting as if they were lasers and I was their target.

My head started pounding; I couldn't stand hearing about this "Harry Styles" anymore. It pisses me off that he's obviously hiding a secret from his daughter and even more so when he's going around town sleeping with anyone he can get his hands on.

I quickly threw away my lunch and drank the remains of my water and walked over to check on Seraphina, who has finally finished her lunch.

For the remainder of the time, Nora situated all the kids for "Circle Time." The kids sat in a circle, while Nora sat in the middle with a Amelia Bedilia book.

Once the story had been finished, Seraphina ran over to me, exclaiming, "Today was the best day ever!"

I laughed, "I'm glad you had a fun time! I did too! Now, is your daddy picking you up?"

Seraphina silently thought for a second, and the door chimes sounded, signalling the first of the many parents that have come to pick their child up.

Seraphina looked over to the door and her eyes brightened, "Auntie Charlotte!"

I turned around to see Seraphina running over to a woman who looked like a million dollars. Her perfect blonde hair was woven into an elaborate updo and she looked as if she stepped out of a magazine editorial. Her eyes were covered by definite name-brand sunglasses and she carried a bag that could probably pay my rent for the next three months.

"Hello, Sera. How was your first day? Did you have fun?" she carefully knelt down to Seraphina and gave her a hug.

"Oh yes, I had a lot of fun. Me and Camilla went for a walk in the park and we all read a book together!" she smiled, "Do I really have to leave? I wanna stay with Camilla longer."

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