| chapter forty two

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Not everyone is as fortunate as we think. Sometimes families split up because it just couldn't work out. They may get together after time has healed, they may not, but then again, there are some families that stay together for life. Until death parts them, they are at one another's side. It doesn't just have to be the parents that split. Siblings can break apart from each other if they can't get along or something in their life happened that caused a distance that neither knows how to repair. 

There are times when we come back and see that our sibling has found someone else they care about through time. Perhaps it's a lover or just an insanely close friend. You watch from the side and realize that you've either been replaced or forgotten. That person clings onto your sibling like a mother or protective older sibling or friend. It doesn't take long for them to figure out that you're staring or you want to talk to them. Sometimes people don't feel mad when they see someone who makes their family happy. There are those who just want to make their family smile and happy, even if it means excluding them. Others walk over and slap that person for stealing their family away.

Whatever the case becomes, I think seeing that person around our family becoming another member, there's something that goes on in us that we can't describe.   


"I want to this one to be Lifekit," Raccoonstem whispered proudly, touching her newly-born son on the forehead, who let out a little mew. "His yellow pelt just reminds me of the sun, though I'm glad to see that he inherited some traits from me," she joked, licking the tom over the brown spots that dotted his shoulders. The two other kits didn't stir, but their little chests rose with each breath, taking in the cold air that filled the nursery.

Mothpaw eagerly sat in the corner, watching the new queen admire her three kits. Tigerfrost sat near, watching the kits with a loving eye. Her mate, Lionfur, stood outside the nursery to keep their three apprentices from charging in with enough energy to burn the sun out. Adderfang sat next to his mate, admiring their sons, ready to shelter and protect them for the rest of his life. Tumblekit sat in the far corner with her, head resting against her leg. She purred and craned her neck to see the other kits.

"Can we name this one Lilykit?" Raccoonstem asked Adderfang, touching their only light-colored daughter. "I find her pelt brighter and after that speech a few days ago, I can't help but feel like it's a name that suits her." The second oldest let out a cry when his mother's tongue cleaned him, which she held back a laugh. The last kit of the group, the only kit that had resembled his mother's dark brown pelt, except for the few yellow patches of fur on his eartips and left paw he got from his father let out mews, somehow sensing his older siblings got affection.

Is she... is she going to name all of her kits just because of their pelt color? Mothpaw thought, keeping her mouth shut. Adderfang had no intention of arguing with his mate and only showered her with a series of licks.

"And..." Raccoonstem pondered, touching her pink nose to the smokey-gray, almost dark brown tom. "Deathkit."

A silence enveloped the nursery.

Adderfang stopped and glanced at his mate and then back at his youngest son, staring at the tiny kit as it had just grown wings. Tigerfrost's jaws were parted, curiosity and confusion lingering on her face, but she controlled herself and didn't let Raccoonstem know. Outside, Lionfur momentarily stopped holding his kits back, sharing the same feeling everycat in the nursery had. The apprentices wiggled around him, almost making it into the den before they were caught and shoved back outside. Mothpaw's heart fell to her stomach with a clang.


"Did you say Deathkit?" asked Adderfang, confirming the suspicions.

"Yes," the queen replied confidently. "The name suits them and goes with the rest of our kits."

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