~Chapter 20~

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Everyone else=normal

Nightmare POV
"My son!" I heard I turned around and saw a woman.
She was crying she was holding a baby, I watched as I soon realized the face of the criminal.
It was a soldier that attacked the northern Kingdom, on the day of my marriage to Ink.
I suddenly bolted to the criminal and strangled him. The woman stared in horror as I appeared out of nowhere.

"I remember you, your one of the bastards that ruined everything! I would kill you but...I want you to lead me to your army, if you don't I'll make your death slow and painful" I yelled.
"P-please! Don't! Go to the southeast mountain pasture! T-that's all I know I swear! You'll find the army there!" He yelled in terror.

"Brilliant" I said as I stabbed him, he yelled in pain as he started to bleed.
He fell onto the floor with his body bleed. The women looked at me as she held her baby close.
I gave them a final look as I began to walk southeast pastures.

Dust POV
We walked for hours, but soon I saw our hideout. It was a old abandoned farm, it was the place where we grew our army.
Me and Horror dragged Ink and Blueberry along, I knocked on the barn door. It flung open, but there was no one there...I looked around.
I realized...everyone was slaughtered, I looked at one of the corpse.
It looked dead for days, then I saw a figure in the corner crying.

I walked up to it, then it turned towards me.
"D-don't touch me!" The voice of the figure was scared and terrified.
It was a small skeleton, but something by the looks of him told me he was the culprit who killed everyone in this barn.

"You killed all these men?" I asked, he shook his head.
"How long ago?" I Ask, he looked at his hands.
"J-just today sir" he said, I looked towards the skeleton.
"Leave him ALONE!" Yelled Ink, Ink began to kick and yelled.
"That's odd these bodys looks days old" I said.

"Now tell me your name boy" I said.
"I-its..I don't remember.." he sighed and looked at me.
"Well isn't this a surprise..." I turned around and saw the goopy creature named Nightmare.
He was carrying Ink, but he was also strangling Horror, I attacked him with my knife in hand.
I managed to cut Horror free, but Nightmare slammed me into the barn wall.

I broke through the barn wall and fell into the snow, I coughed as I felt the impact break some of my bones.
Then Nightmare grabbed me, "you seriously think a boy like that can kill all these men?" Nightmare laughed.

The boy stared as I tried to get free, then with a snack if light, I was....blacked out...

Nightmare carried me and blue, but he also carried Dust and Horror.
But he was going west, a different direction from my Kingdom.
"Wait where are we going!?" I yelled.
Nightmare sighed and kepted walking, then he saw a few horses up ahead.
He put blue on one horse, he tied dust and horror onto one horse.
Then tied the horse together so each one won't loose their path.
Nightmare got onto one horse and made me cling onto his back, while we traveled west.

We soon...reached the western Kingdom...the Kingdom of Dreams and Nightmares....


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