♡ k. tobio

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❝It always seems impossible until it's done❞
- Nelson Mandela
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   You felt the breeze combing through your hair as you made your way to school. The sky was a mix of red and violet hues as the sun began to rise. Birds perched along powerlines and belted their melodious songs as if trying to wake up the whole neighborhood, but besides that, it was quiet. The setting would've been serene if it wasn't for your heavy, uneven breathing and feet slapping against the pavement.

   "Crap!" You whispered under your breath, checking your phone. You had, once again, slept in and were rushing to morning volleyball practice. As you turned the corner, Karasuno came into view, and you somehow managed to breathe a sigh of relief. You pumped your legs a little harder, determined to be there at least one minute earlier than usual until you hit a wall. You squealed in pain as you fell backward, rubbing your head.

    "Hey," the wall spoke up. "Watch where you're going next time." You looked up to see a tall, raven-haired boy with blue eyes that were looking everywhere but at you. You were still shaken after bumping into him, your mouth refusing to say the things that came to your mind. The boy finally looked at you with a confused and slightly frustrated look. "Do you need help or something? I'm gonna be late for practice, so I just need you to move and be on your way, okay?" he crossed his arms.

    "Um, uh, yeah," you slowly lifted yourself off the ground and then deeply bowed to him. "Sorry! I should have been looking where I was going and-" you began apologizing profusely, but he turned away from you and began to walk into the school. You were dumbfounded and stood there for a few seconds, surprised by how he had just rudely ignored your apology. You balled up your fists in frustration, picked up your bag and began walking to the gym. You glanced over to your left to see if you could find the rude boy and you spotted him heading towards the other gymnasium. He pulled a small carton of milk out of his bag, aggressively inserted a straw into it, and began to sip on it. You just rolled your eyes.

    "What a child."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

    "[name], what's up with you today? You're setting is kind of off," your team Captain, Yui, asked, rubbing the back of her neck.

    "Ha, when is it ever on?" some girl snickered in the back of the gym.

   You felt tears prick the corners of your eyes, and you bowed apologetically to Yui. "I'm sorry. I promise to try harder! I just need to practice more, and then I'll get better!" Yui gave you a small smile, seeing your determination. She patted your head and sighed.

"I know you will. I believe in you. Don't listen to anyone else, okay [name]? You got this!" Yui always had a way with words that comforted you. You gave her a wide grin and continued setting.


    "God, it's so late [name]!" Your teammate and friend, Hatsumei exclaimed. "I know you want to keep practicing, but we have school tomorrow and it's already 8 pm!" You looked at the clock, and, sure enough, she was right. The bright moonlight shone through the small windows in the gymnasium, only to be overpowered by the LED lights flickering inside.

    "Just one more time, please Hatsu-chan. I just need you to serve the ball to me one more time," you pleaded, and she sighed. "I really want to help you, [name], I do, but I have a lot of homework tonight. I'm sorry." She saw your disappointed expression and quickly piped up again. "I think the boy's volleyball team might still be here. Some of their players are maniacs. Maybe you can ask them for help!" You thought it over for a few seconds and then gratefully nodded.

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