♡ o. tooru

44 2 4

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❝There will always be a reason why you meet people. Either you need them to change your life or you're the one that will change theirs.❞
- Angel Flonis Harefa
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"I can't believe they made me get them drinks, those lazy-asses," You curse your friends out under your breath, dragging your feet through the warm, grainy sand. Your friend, Hastumei decided it would be a good idea to take a daytrip to the beach since your summer vacation had just started. However, when you got there, you all realized it was almost unbearably hot, and no one had any motivation to move at all. Being the loser of a quick game of rock-paper-scissors, it was obvious you had to be the one to get everyone refreshments. As the sun beat down against your exposed neck and the hot sand scalded the soles of your feet, you let out an exasperated sigh and closed your eyes to take a break.

"WATCH OUT!" you heard a loud voice resonate, and your head snapped up. You saw a bright blue beach volleyball heading straight for your face, but it was moving too fast for you to react. WHAM! The ball hit you in the forehead, knocking you clean of your feet. Whimpering, you pressed your hands against the bump that was beginning to form, and you heard a few people run towards you arguing.

"Oh my gosh, she's dead. Oh please, Kamisama, I'm too young to go to jail!"

"Shut up, Shittykawa. You're way too weak to spike a ball that hard."


You slowly blink and remove your hands from your face, adjusting your eyes to the bright light and come face-to-face with a large group of concerned looking high-schoolers. Embarrassed, you quickly cover your face again to avoid their prying eyes.

"Hey," the brown-haired boy said softly, carefully lifting one hand away from your face. "Hey, wait. Aren't you [name]? The third year on the volleyball team? Are you okay? I'm so sorry! I'll make it up to you! Do you like ice cream?" You were so shocked, all you could do was nod. Now that he mentioned it, you immediately recognized who these boys were.

"This is all your fault, Crappykawa. Don't try spiking if you don't know how to do it right!" Iwaizumi chucked a ball at the back of Oikawa's head.

"Ouch!" He rubbed his head, then looked up at you and smiled. "Hey, since I'm in pain now too, why don't you treat me to ice cream while I treat you, huh, [name]?" Before you had the chance to respond, Oikawa grabbed your hand and dragged you away from the group, despite protests from the spiky-haired player. He quickly ordered two cones of ice cream, paid for them, and handed one over to you.

"Hey, um," you managed to finally get out. "You don't need to do this, haha. I'm fine, really!" You crack a smile to assure him you were telling the truth, despite the throbbing sensation in your forehead. "And besides, wasn't I supposed to buy your ice cream?" Oikawa looked you up and down and returned to eating his ice cream.

"Nah. It's my fault you got hurt, so you don't owe me anything. Actually," his eyes settling on your forehead, and you could feel your face heat up, "I think I might have something to help with your bruise."

"Bruise?" you squeaked out, your face fully flushed red now while trying to cover it up.

"Yeah, but it's not that bad, so don't be so embarrassed about it, [name]!" He led you, once again back to the beach and sat you down on a starry towel placed on the sand. He then pulled out, some ointment, gauze, and volleyball tape. You laughed a little when you saw the tape, making Oikawa turn his head from you sheepishly. "What? It's all I have, so don't complain."

"No, I think it's cute," you grin at him, and he smiles back. He then leans forward and begins to place the ointment and bandage on you.

"Aw, our little [name]-chan thinks I'm cute! Ha, you're so cute, too," he places the tape over the bandage. You began to fidget with your hands, uncomfortable with the proximity he was to you, but it wasn't unpleasant. He wrapped up and was about to bid you goodbye when he felt a drop of water fall from the sky. Suddenly, a downpour began, and the two of you scurried away to shelter. Just then, your phone rang.


"Oh my gosh, thank god, [name]! Where are you? It's raining really bad, and we're going to leave now!" You glance over at Oikawa who was looking at his phone with furrowed brows.

"I'm at the drink shack with Oikawa." There was silence. "Hello?" you tried again, assuming the rain cut your connection. "Hastumei?"

"Say sike right now."


"You are with THE Oikawa Tooru? As in, the Oikawa with countless annoying fangirls?"

"Um, yeah," you laughed sheepishly.

"I love you, [name], but I also think I know what's best for you in this situation, so we're leaving. The beach isn't too far from your house, so you'll be fine!" Hatsumei laughed and then hung up.

"Uh Hatsumei, wait!" you try to call out, but the call had already ended. You sighed and looked over at Oikawa, meeting his gaze.

"Ha, the volleyball team left without me a while ago. I guess we took too long getting ice cream," he joked. You managed to let out a laugh which quickly turned into a shiver. Oikawa's eyes filled with concern, and he began to remove his jacket. Startled, you step away from him, shaking your hands in front of you.

"Oikawa-san! You don't have to do that! I'm not cold!" You back away further, but he swiftly grabs your wrist and pulls you close to him.

"Don't move too far, or you'll get wet." He placed the coat around your shoulders, and the two of you sat and chatted under the roof of the drink shack.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Oikawa stuck his hand out from under your shelter. "It looks like the rain let up. We better go back before it starts again. I'll walk you home."

As you began to walk to your house, you felt an overwhelming sensation of guilt wash over you. "Hey Oikawa-san." he hummed in response. "Thank you so much, for everything. I really owe you. Is there anything I can do for you in return?" He placed his hand on his chin, feigning deep thought, then beamed at you.

"There are two things you can do for me." you nodded enthusiastically, eager to repay him for all the favors he had done for you. "One, stop adding san to my name. It makes me feel old. Actually, scratch that. Just call me Tooru. I think it's safe to say we're friends at this point," he smiled. "And two, tomorrow, we'll go on a date, and you can return my jacket then, if you want." Your eyes widened.

" A- a date?" You stumbled over your words. He just nodded. You were too flustered to respond properly, and realizing you were already by your house, you rushed inside and slammed the door shut. Feeling as if you were too rude, you cracked it open and called out to Oikawa.

"Oikawa." He looked up at you, and you felt your heartbeat speed up. "I'm glad you hit me with a volleyball today." he chuckled, and you stuck your hands in the pocket of his jacket out of awkwardness. However, you felt a piece crumpled up paper in the pocket. "Hey, I think you forgot something in the pocket!" You pulled out the piece of paper and showed it to Oikawa. He simply smirked.

"No, I don't think so," and with that, he turned away. Curiosity overwhelming you, you open up the piece of paper. On it was scrawled a phone number and a short message:

    Hey cutie. Did it hurt when you fell for me?

You felt yourself cringe but also blush hard. He's such a dork.


So, I can't tell if this one is better or not. Maybe I just think everything I write is one major cringefest lol. Anyways, chile, I'll for real try to update as much as possible in quarantine before school starts and don't forget to request oneshots/imagines!

Also, still crying in the club (but not bc I am a responsible quarantiner) about how haikyuu ended, BUT, I'm not done with the manga, so it's not over for me yet, bitches!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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