Happy Birthday Doyoung~~~

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Happy birthday to the Bunny Prince guys! I know it seems like it might be late but I live in America and it Feb. 1 now. I might but do them a day early cuz that's how it is in Korea so yay! Now I bless you all with pictures of Kim Doyoung

 I might but do them a day early cuz that's how it is in Korea so yay! Now I bless you all with pictures of Kim Doyoung

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He looks so genuinely happy with the dog like the dog is now his new child 🤣

He looks so genuinely happy with the dog like the dog is now his new child 🤣

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WHY DO HE LOWKEY LOOK CREEPY?? But he still cute tho somehow...

The posture he has is kinda funny and I love it and him and his specs is so adorable 💚💚💚

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The posture he has is kinda funny and I love it and him and his specs is so adorable 💚💚💚

The posture he has is kinda funny and I love it and him and his specs is so adorable 💚💚💚

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This is one of the reasons we all call him the Bunny Prince guys🐰😂

Him sitting in that chair like the Prince he is yet just waiting to become King 👑 I'm weird Ik

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Him sitting in that chair like the Prince he is yet just waiting to become King 👑 I'm weird Ik

Anyways, happy birthday to Doyoung and I wish him all the love/things he could every want and need because he deserves it

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