Serious Talk

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Guys, seriously, we're barely halfway through 2020 and it's almost worse than 2019. Nobody should be judged by their color or love interests or music interests. So many people have been hurt just because of their race and preferred sexual orientation.

You are amazing
You deserve the world
You should love yourself
You should love others
You should be loved by others
You should be respected
You should never feel insecure
You should never be scared because of your race
You should never be scared to talk about your interests
You should never be scared to speak out

Everybody should be treated equally, after all we are all on this world together and it won't benefit any of us if we continue to harm each other or our planet. I understand that people are mad at the justice system (specifically white police tbh) and I just want to say, I'm disappointed too.

However, I am more disappointed in the people trying to do illegal deeds during this time. It's immature for both sides to do such immature actions especially when we are all in a pandemic and are at risk.

The worse part of this is when the police are trying to cover up their wrong-doings and when they harm innocent children. Anybody who has passed away or have gotten injured during this time by their race is horrible, but children are so young, innocent and pure. They have so much to live for and it's heartbreaking to know that adults, humans who are supported to be GOOD examples for the younger generations, are making kids cry and basically harassing them.

I saw an Instagram video where people have been pouring milk on black children and spraying them with water. Some have even taken the time to physically harm black people with their cars.

Police though, have been so horrible and I don't understand what 'Justice' to some of them are. I am NOT bashing all of the police, just the ones of have been abusing their power. We should be able to trust the police, and some people with that job are making it so difficult to even be able to look at an officer with a smile of without fear.

This time is also horrible for people in the LGBT community. It's better that society has been more accepting about the same gender in a relationship, however I strongly hate the fact that unsupportive people are trying to make the community to crumble. It's disgusting to think that people have been trying to pick on people in that community just to make fun of them and make them feel insecure.

Please help support the LGBT community and stop the trolls that are trying to host PrideFall. PrideFall is said to be held in June because that is Pride month.

About the haters of certain music tastes, please be careful with what you choose to watch. Especially on TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram. Those have been said to be the main platforms for disturbing content. The content consists of fancams of idols that switch into gruesome graphic scenes that that cause trauma for others. Mostly the younger group of fans since they won't expect to see such traumatic scenes to happen during edited fancams.

Please be safe during this time and help spread awareness for all of these things. It's okay to not go out and take physical action for these. The best we can do during this pandemic is to spread love to those who are being targeted for odd reasons. If you would be able to donate to websites then please do, it helps much more than you may think.

I'm very sorry for the serious conversation in this book, but I want everybody to be aware of the problems in this world. If anybody needs to talk, I'd love to try and comfort you the best way I can. Just talk to me on Instagram and I can try help giving advice or just help taking stress off of you.

I know that this may be difficult because we have no idea who each other are, so it's okay to not communicate with me, just please be cautious and try to avoid all this negativity and try spreading positivity for everybody. I love you all dearly, and I'll try to post more often. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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