Happy Birthday Haechan~~~

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I still can't get over the fact that these boys are getting older and older. Haechan has gotten so much more mature and I know that people look at him as a lucky person, but I feel bad for him. He started his job so early in life and I hope he gets all the love and happiness that he deserves.

 He started his job so early in life and I hope he gets all the love and happiness that he deserves

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Haechan during Highway To Heaven kILlS me just as much as Cherry Bomb Haechan

Haechan during Highway To Heaven kILlS me just as much as Cherry Bomb Haechan

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O me gosh baby boy let em protect you-

His face looks so squishable and I just wanna cuddle him and make him feel like he's loved 💕❤️ (not in a weird way tho, ya pervs)

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His face looks so squishable and I just wanna cuddle him and make him feel like he's loved 💕❤️ (not in a weird way tho, ya pervs)

His face looks so squishable and I just wanna cuddle him and make him feel like he's loved 💕❤️ (not in a weird way tho, ya pervs)

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The way he flirts got me wheezing compared to Mark's EyEbrOw fLirTiNg

The way he flirts got me wheezing compared to Mark's EyEbrOw fLirTiNg

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How does somebody look so cute when they sleep tho???

Happy birthday Fullsun~!! You've grown so much (ik he ain't gonna see this but let me dream 😂) and I know that you will be just as handsome and amazing when your older. No matter how much people will make fun of you or tease you (members or fans or haters), just know that you have done everything the best you can and you should continue to remember to give to yourself since you deserve it. Happy 21st (or 20th) Birthday FullSun~~! ☀️🥳🎉 🎂🎁 🎉

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