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The car came to an abrupt stop in front of the emergency room sliding glass doors. It's a wonder how Trevante was able to stop the car and not crash in the heavy thunderstorm that was going on. The rain was so heavy that you could barely see in front of you, let alone drive in it. After putting the car in park, Trevante jumped out, leaving the car running outside and ran through the sliding doors.

"Can someone help me?! I'm looking for my family...hello! Hey, excuse me! I'm trying to find—" Trevante stopped talking when he saw a line of ambulances speeding down the emergency ramp.

In a panic, Trevante ran outside to see who was being brought in. Looking at the gurney that was being pulled out of the back of one of the ambulances made his heart almost stopped. He saw the blood soaked sheet that was draped over whosever body and started to think the worse.

"No! No! No! That's not them!" Tre said to himself as he continued to try to get to where the EMT's were.

"Sir, you can't be back here! Please go back to the waiting area. Sir.....SIR!" A security guard said as she was talking to someone else.

Tre kept walking until he saw it.

The bracelet.

A 14 carat rose gold diamond tennis bracelet identical to the one he had gotten his sister for Mother's Day last year.

Frozen in the spot he stood, Tre knew the worst had happened. Turning to the left where the other two ambulances were surrounded by hospital staff, another gurney was pulled out of the back of one followed by another.

Still frozen and unable to move, someone put their hands on his shoulder to get his attention. Tre heard his name being called but it sounded like it was coming from far away so he shook it out of his head.

Unable to turn his head away from what he was seeing, Tre saw a sheet fall off of one of the bodies and his mother's face was exposed. Eyes open with no life showing behind them.

Feeling his knees start to buckle as a tear fell. He grabbed his chest as he looked at the last gurney where there was a nurse checking the person's vitals. His feet started to move again and this time he wasn't stopping.

"SIR! SIR, YOU CAN'T GO BACK THERE!" The security guard said again but her words fell on deaf ears.

Tre got to the gurnee where Y/N was fighting for her life. He grabbed her hand as fast as he could while the staff was trying their best to remove him from the area.

"BABY....BABY I'M RIGHT HERE! I'M RIGHT HERE!" Tre said to her.

Y/N looked at him, "The kids...." she said in a whisper. "They got...the kids..."

Those were the last words Y/N had spoken before her heart stopped beating and she was rushed into emergency surgery.

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