Hadrian looked around Potter Manor, memories flooding back into his mind. He had been preparing for this throughout the train ride, as he spent his last few minutes with his friends.
"Oh Hadrian! I'm so glad you decided to stay over the holidays! And that Evan was so happy about you coming!" At least that statement bought a smirk to Hadrian's features. Evan had been thoroughly against the idea, yet after some mild threatening and the use of his favour, he had agreed.
Unfortunately, Hadrian hadn't know that the redheaded blood traitors would be staying at Potter Manor over the holiday aswell. It was obvious that most of the Weasleys hated Hadrian, but it was their youngest that really ruined this holiday. Since the quidditch game, the youngest Weasley had been obsessing over Hadrian. Normally, Hadrian would enjoy having the opportunity to mess with her, but her constant staring and attempting to get close to him where getting annoying. The twins, were the few Weasleys that Hadrian could tolerate. Their pranks and jokes were amusing, yet like their brother, they were reluctant to talk to Hadrian. Of course, Ronald would be a problem. The obnoxious, arrogant boy was like a shadow to Evan and constantly fed his need for attention.
"I take it that I'll be staying in my old room?" Hadrian inquired, turning towards Lily and James.
"Oh, um, yes. You can go and unpack, just be back by lunch." His mother replied, startled by his question. It had been years since Hadrian lived here, surely he couldn't remember his room, Lily thought. James, Lupin and Sirius must have shared this thought as they all glanced towards each other in confusion.
Hadrian traced the peeling wallpaper of the East Wing with delicate touches as he followed the corridors. The East Wing of Potter Manor was completely abandoned. Almost completely. Nobody dared to step foot into it, besides Hadrian, who had instantly made it his safe place. Away from his neglectful parents and horrid brother. At many points he had expressed dislike for the old furniture, peeling wallpaper, creaking floorboards and dark halls. Yet, all his time at the Dursleys made the old rooms seem heavenly.
Unlike his younger self, Hadrian did not feel the chill that infested the East Wing. He did not fear the darkness that consumed his room.
Carefully pushing open an old creaking door, Hadrian was met with his old room. The room was coated in dust and damp from years of disuse. However, that soon changed as Hadrian clicked his fingers, returning the room to its previous condition. The room, unlike most children's room, as he had been a child when using it, did not have any toys. A large bookcase stood against one wall. It's inhabitants stolen from the Potter library before James Potter could remove a Dark Magic books. Besides that, and an old wooden bed and wardrobe, the room was empty. Although the darkness masked most of the emptiness, due to the rooms lack of windows.
Hadrian turned from the room, choosing to first shower, in the bathroom across from his room. This room too, was incredibly dark. Many would be unable to see their own hand as it moved before their eyes. The darkness comforted Hadrian, the inability to see his many scars if he removed his glamour bought a bitter sneer to his face.
So many memories from his lonesome childhood haunted these halls. Hadrian shut out these thoughts as he locked the door with a wave of his hand and vanished his clothes. The steady sound of water drowned out the demonic thoughts of revenge that Hadrian assocciated with this house. After all, he couldn't kill his source of information. That would not bode well with the Dark Lord.
Three Weasleys sat in the large lounge as they chatted. Evan and Ron had instantly ran away to the quidditch pitch behind the manor, leaving Fred, George and Ginny to remain in the house.
"This is-"
"-So boring!" Admitted the twins, in their regular shared speech, as they let out an exasperated sigh. The three had wanted to join Evan and their brother playing quidditch, but were rejected.
"Well, dinner is almost ready! So just make sure your brother and Evan are here," Molly Weasley instructed, her voice echoing out of the kitchen that she and Lily were working in.
"Most of the order is coming. It'll just be a few minutes." Mrs Potter added.
"We could get Hadrian!" Ginny quickly suggested, her eyes glinting at the prospect of visiting her new crush's room. Fred and George rolled their eyes at their sister's antics, but begrudgingly agreed due to sheer boredom.
The three eagerly followed the route they had watched the boy take. As they neared the East Wing, the manor became more concerning. It was darker, barely any light reached the haunting hallways. Each creak, rustle, scratch caused the three to shudder.
"How can someone live in this place?" Questioned George, as he glanced uncertainly towards the peeling wallpaper that looked as though it had been clawed down.
"I don't think anyone is living in this place, is the problem, Georgie." His twin replied as they moved further. Eventually, they recognised the sound of a shower and guessed that Hadrian would be inside. Ginny hastily knocked on the door, fixing her hair as she did. The sound of the shower was quickly cut off, and the three waited expectantly. After a few seconds, Hadrian emerged, wearing only a pair of black boxers, his hair still dripping from the water.
"What?" Hadrian snarled, his eyes narrowing into a glare as he stepped out into the hallway. Ginny, who seemed muted by the appearance of Hadrian, only stood with her mouth agape. Thankfully, Fred and George replied for her.
"We came to tell you-"
"-Dinner is ready!" The two stated, grinning madly at their sister's condition. Hadrian moved towards his bedroom, pushing open the door.
"I'll join you in a bit. Fred, George." Hadrian responded, nodding towards the twins as he said their respective names, before entering his room. The twins continued grinning as they were forced to drag their sister away from the door. The three made their way back in comfortable silence, before George's face morphed into realisation.
"How'd he know us apart, Freddy?"
"We arer each our own devil, and we make this world our hell"

Never Trust A Snake
FanfictionHarry Potter's life was never truly a happy one, neglected by his parents, sent away to live with abusive muggles at 5 but it wasn't always like this. What if Harry Potter had a twin. What if Dumbledor claimed that Harry's twin was the boy who lived...