A/N: Welcome

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Hey! Welcome to Pynk, a novella written for the Open Novella Contest 2020.

It is based on the following prompt:

4. When something tragic happens, it's often said that we lose a piece of ourselves. How far would you go to find these lost pieces of yourself in order to be whole again?

I'm very excited to write this. It's actually an idea I've had in note form for a while now, but has really started to develop with the aid of this prompt. In other words, this is just an excuse to write something I want to write, but wouldn't otherwise.

Another thing you should know - this is based in the same world as my Wylfven series. It is set not long after the events of the trilogy. It can be read as a separate, standalone novella, but there are the origins.

So, Pynk may contain some spoilers from Wylfven. Nothing major, but if you are planning on reading my main trilogy and don't want to know anything beforehand, then I would suggest not reading this quite yet.

The next chapter (Pelts: A Brief Guide), is lifted directly from Wylfven, with only a few small tweaks. If you would like a better understanding of my world, then you can read that if you wish. Or you can just head straight to the chapters and figure it out on your own. I'll try to make that possible.

Anyway, best get on with the story! I hope you enjoy this as much as I will.

To all people also tackling ONC, good luck! Let's do this thing together!

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