Chapter Twelve - Callista

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Prey wasn't hard to find.

A few curves in the street, and there it was. The perfect place to unleash her hatred.

In moments, Felicity was at that doorway. No wolf would stop her now. Dark magic fizzled out, gripping the door and splintering it into a million pieces. Such a powerful action felt effortless in her snarling rage.

Corn-yellow fur met her on the inside. She crouched, prowling forwards.

"What..." The Thunderwylf's voice drifted into fearful shock as he stared at her, eyes wide. "Who... who are you?"

Such an easy answer. "Pynk," she spat. Her claws scraped nicks in the floorboards.

The wolf backed away further, terror overtaking his folding limbs. "What are you doing?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

"Giving you what you deserve." Her tail flicked steadily as her ears drew back in aggression. "For Kyra." The small sliver of sensibility emerged long enough to supply the name in return for Felix. But it didn't matter. She knew who the death was really for.

His jaw fell open. "How..." Gulping, he took another step backwards, bringing his hind legs in contact with the wall. Felicity kept advancing. "How do you know my daughter?"

So many questions. A small chuckle slipped out amongst her snarls. Too bad he won't be around long enough to get the answers.

She was tired of talk now. Her heart screamed for blood. And blood it would get.

The tensions in her back legs released suddenly, launching her forwards, claws outstretched. Kyra's father darted to the side, forcing her to collide with the wall. Staggering to her paws, she growled in frustration, and chased him as he bolted into the next room. You aren't getting away from me that easy.

"Callista!" he yelled as he dived to avoid another of her pounces. "Help!"

For just the briefest moment, he paused, looking up towards the stairs in the corner - most likely searching for his wife. That moment cost him dearly.

He wasn't ready for her attack this time. In one leap, she was upon him, paws wrapping around his neck and digging into the skin. Her magic flared up again, seizing him and forcing the energy from his limbs. Some part of her knew the effort would hurt later, but she didn't have the control to consider that consequence now. Her only focus was the delight it gave her to rake her claws across his flank, decorating his yellow Pelt with scarlet stripes.

But before she could dig deeper, another set of paws thumped into her chest, forcing her away from the Thunderwylf and sending her flying into the nearby wall. The impact stunned her. She lay still, her gaze resting on the second wolf as they released her, and for a moment her mind was clear.

Then she saw the teal fur, and any hope of calm was gone.

"What in Sylvera is this?" Kyra's mother exclaimed, staring at Felicity in surprise. "I didn't know Glitterwylves could go feral." She stepped closer, peering down at her. Growling, Felicity tried to rise, to fight, but the daze still lingered in her throbbing head.

"Callista, she... she knows Kyra," came the Thunderwylf's hoarse whisper. He had no more success than her at standing. Curiously, Felicity followed the sound. She stared at the blood trickling from her own clawed gouges in his side. Blood. She had to feel that sensation.

Callista twisted her head to the side. "Interesting. Tell me, little feral wolf, how-"

But Felicity was done talking. With a lustful howl, she shot from her space on the floor, skidding around the Seawylf to reach her prey. No collision could stop her now. Dark energy buzzed in her veins, heightening her senses. All that mattered was that red liquid.

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