Chapter Eleven - Surprise

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A splash of water woke Felicity with a start. She jolted upwards, panting, the trickling red splatters of her latest nightmare still lingering.

At first, she feared that she was back in that stream again, surrounded by blood. But her paws rested on soft bedding.

Nothing bad had happened last night. The stream had been stained with only black when she'd visited it under the stars. Now, the dampness had faded from her fur. As she lifted her head higher, blinking her dream away, she could see sheets of rain pummelling the earth outside her door's miniature window.

Her snout twitched. It had been raining when she left Borealton. It had seemed all the northern skies had done since the end of the battle was weep endless raindrops, mourning every loss with equal ferocity.

Stretching out her forepaws, she rose slowly, her eyes fixed on the pattering droplets. She flicked her tail, trying to force away the tears pricking at her eyes. Even the sight of rain was enough to bring it all back.

After a few deep breaths, she crossed to the door, and nosed it open. The cool water splashed on her snout. She snorted, shaking her head violently. It looked like today was a day for curling up and sobbing inside.

But a simple voice was enough to chase that all away, at least for now.

"Felicity! Look at this!"

Her eyes glimmered as she turned sideways to face her neighbouring house. She knew exactly what she would see. Kyra stood there, tail wagging high despite the gloomy weather, clutching a familiar glittering card in her claws.

Silver, with blue lace.

"What is it?" Felicity prompted.

Her friend gazed at it in awe. "It... it's permission to set up a business. It was just outside my door." As she looked up, her eyes sparkled happier than she'd ever been. "I can get my spa with this. But how..." Suddenly, she tilted her head to the side, noticing Felicity's nod. "You're not surprised?"

Felicity's tail twirled along with Kyra's. "You just found my surprise."

For a moment, Kyra paused, appearing confused. Then her eyes widened in realisation. "Oh Luna!" She shot forwards, and Felicity braced herself. She managed to stay upright as her friend leapt on her, hugging her tightly.

"Thank you!" she exclaimed, over and over again. And all of a sudden it was all worth it. The risk of the thievery, the exhausting magic, getting spotted - all of it. Just to see Kyra's glee.

Kyra released her, but her eyes remained just as bright. "Let's go show Mak!" Without waiting for a reply, she shot off, her paws flying with the wind. Smiling, Felicity chased after her, the rain pounding on her back insignificant now.

Their excitement lent them speed, and so they reached the Earthwylves' meeting place in a matter of minutes, both panting heavily. Mak scanned them both in confusion. "Why the rush?"

There was a pause as both Glitterwylves gasped for breath. Kyra recovered first - or maybe she was just more eager to speak. "Look, Mak... the card..."

His eyes widened at the sight of it. "You asked them? And they agreed?" The second question sounded slightly too incredulous for Felicity's liking. But she knew the reason for his doubt. It was the same reason she'd chosen to steal the card rather than ask officially.

Kyra shook her head. "Felicity did. It was her... her surprise..." She bent down, inhaling deeply. Felicity decided to take over, her lungs now mostly recovered from the run.

"That's what I was doing yesterday. I'm sorry I left you all like that, but I wanted to surprise Kyra." She shot her friend a joyful look. It was returned with twice the energy.

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