Chapter Three - Flame

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"A fight with a Glitterwylf," Rowtag mused, backing away to pace. "That will be a first."

"Likewise." Stepping forward, Felicity narrowed her eyes, feeling blood-red anger cloud her vision. Her fangs appeared briefly in a flash of bright white.

Already, she could feel the spark of magic zapping through her like lightning. It was going to burst out at any moment.

Dimly, she was aware of Kyra's presence, only a few pawsteps from where she stood. Her rapid exhales pricked at Felicity's consciousness. But the tendrils of fury cast them away.

The Flamewylf flicked his tail, orange flames rippling up his spine and fanning out at his tufted neck. His eyes flashed with a mocking determination. "Alright, Glitterwylf," he invited, ears twitching. "Bring it on."

His leap was so fast that she barely managed to roll aside. Heat washed over her, mingling with the dark warmth pulsing within her. He was up again in a moment. Claws slashed dangerously close to her chest. His flames filled her vision.

With a snarl, she struck back, jabbing at his snout. A curl of red added to the orange of his fur. Roaring at the pain, Rowtag swooped in for another attack, but she fought back, every swipe bringing the magic closer and closer to the surface.

She didn't see a Flamewylf. As Felicity dug her claws in, she saw smoke engulf her opponent, cloaking him in darkest black.

Let it loose, Fliss.

Avenge me.

Beside her, a fallen branch began to tremble. Unnoticed by her opponent, a slice of wood peeled away, sharpening the end.

Kill him.

A black energy pulsed, sending out the magic in focused waves. Another sliver ripped away from the branch. Deep in Felicity's tightened chest, she felt a hardened tug as the soft wood compacted, solidifying into a deadly point.

Until her eyes betrayed her, and through the blinding smoke, she saw Kyra.

She was frozen in place, all the dancing energy within her gone. Her snout had fallen open, and the bottom of her jaw trembled. But it was her eyes that called to Felicity's heart. They shone with a pale fear.

Some part of Felicity stirred; the part shoved away as the anger took over. Why was she doing this? What good would it bring?

The wood paused, hovering just above the ground, as a war began in her heart. A war of darkness, and of some glimmer of light, driven by Kyra's purity, her innocence.

She never found out which won.

In her moment of hesitation, Rowtag finally landed a strike. The pain pressed into her chest, stinging fiercely, sending juddering shock shooting through her veins.

As her back slammed into the earth, the pulsing magic snapped away. The branch clattered to the ground. The darkness paled, its growling force subsiding, and Felicity found herself staring up at Rowtag's fiery eyes.

Not purple. Amber. Like glowing flames.

In that instant, her energy faded. The hissing fury was gone. All Felicity could do was lay there, helpless, beaten.

You should have killed him.

"Let this be a lesson, little Glitterwylf." Rowtag's words were faint, but with each chuckle, they grew more real. "Never challenge a Flamewylf."

With a final grating laugh, he released her. She jerked to her paws. The world still felt a little out of focus, as if she'd just run a marathon before stopping abruptly. Her breath came in short pants, and she inhaled deeply, trying to calm herself.

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