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KASSANDRA KHAN WOKE UP THAT MORNING WITH A SPLITTING HEADACHE AND A PIT IN HER STOMACH, as if her body was trying to warn her of the day's events. Pushing away the pain as nothing more than a slight hangover and possible indigestion, Kass rose from her twin bed, wincing slightly as it squeaked. For a moment her body completely stilled, however once it became evident that her sleeping daughter, with whom she shared a bed, would not be waking up anytime soon, she silently stood up to get ready for the day.

From the flimsy cardboard box that was her and her daughter's dresser, Kass pulled out two sets of clothes. For Gabby, she grabbed a pair of patched pink leggings; an old, ratty purple t-shirt that was far too big and fell to the little girl's knees; a pair of mismatched socks (one of which had a hole in the toe); and beat-up sneakers that were once white, but had slowly accumulated all the dirt of the Isle. For herself, Kass simply threw on her usual attire: a black pair of ripped jeans, a dark green t-shirt that Evie had made into a crop-top for her, a large grey sweatshirt that she left unzipped, and an old pair of black sneakers that she had had to duck tape more than once.

After getting dressed and pulling her tangled hair into a sad excuse for a ponytail, Kass walked over to her 3-year-old daughter and gently shook her body. "Gaaaabby... Time to wake up."








Upon hearing her mother's muffled laughter, the confused and grumpy toddler turned over to face the teenager with a grunt. "Wha so funny, Mama?"

"Nothing, baby," Kass replied, finally able to control herself. "But, it's time to get up. We've got a a lot to do today."

The little girl pouted and crossed her tiny arms across her chest. "But, Mama, I no wanna get up! I wanna seep!"

Kass shrugged her shoulders then, an idea already appearing in her head. "Well, ok, then... I guess that means I'll just have to go see Papa all by myself."

Upon hearing talk of her father, Gabby sprung up and began to jump up and down on the bed in excitement. "Papa, Papa, Papa! I gonna see Papa taday!"

After that, it didn't take long for the teenager to get her daughter dressed and out the door, though doing her hair became a bit of a challenge, seeing as she couldn't sit still. Eventually, Kass managed to put the girl's dirty-blond locks into two messy braids. Then, Kass carried her daughter down the stairs of their house, careful not to wake up her mother, who was passed out on the downstairs sofa surrounded by several empty bottles of cheap beer.

Once outside, the two first headed for the market, which was just opening. Kass bought some things, stole some others, as was common on the Isle. With what used to be her school bag thrown over her shoulder and filled with a variety of rotting food and other half-used or almost completely broken objects, Kass trekked on whilst holding her smiling daughter's hand.

Gabby's grin only grew as the pair neared the pirate docks. She couldn't wait to see her Papa! After all, she could only visit with him when there was time, which wasn't often. But, today it was happening! And she couldn't wait to see him, and give him his special surprise.

At the docks, Kass stood off to the side with Gabby, the latter looking around eagerly for her father's familiar face. After a moment, her face lit up and she pointed to their left. "Look, Mama!"

Kass turned her head to where her daughter was pointing, expecting to see the tall blondie with whom she raised a child. However, she was puzzled to see an even taller figure approach whilst whistling a tune to himself. All became clear, though, once Kass saw the hook on his hand: Harry Hook.

"Well, well... If it isn't Ms. Khan and the wee little pirate princess. Wasn't expecting to see you lot here today. Just can't get enough of me, can you, love?"

Rolling her eyes at Harry's usual flirting, Kass smirked before firing back. "I'm afraid I'm always seeing way too much of you, Harold."

Harry, unfazed by the use of the name he despised with a passion, simply smirked right back and retorted. "Ah, well, you'll be mine one day, Kassandra. Just you wait."

Before Kass could yell at him for using the name she also wasn't too fond of, her young daughter interrupted them. "Harry, Harry! Up, up, up!"

Flashing his famous white-toothed grin, Harry picked up the 3-year-old and held her on his hip. Kass watched them in amusement, chuckling quietly when Harry took off his pirate hat and placed it on Gabby's head. Seeing as it was much too big, it fell down over her face and covered her eyes. Both the teenage boy and little girl laughed and talked about all sorts of things.

As annoying as Harry could be at times, Kass had to admit that he was good with kids. Well, scratch that: he was good with Gabby. Any other children were nothing more to him than ankle biters or sea urchins or tiny demons sent straight from Hell. Gabby, however, was different to him. Whether it was because she was his crew mate's daughter or because he was infatuated with Kass, the teenage girl couldn't tell. Whatever the reason, though, Kass was simply glad that somebody on this wretched island was kind to her baby girl.

All of a sudden, Kass was snapped out of her thoughts when Gabby began to shout from Harry's arms. "Papa, Papa!"

The toddler struggled for a moment to be let down but, once her two little feet were back on the ground, she raced over to the teenage pirate that had just appeared and, upon reaching him, jumped into his arms. Nuzzling into her father's neck, Gabby whispered to him. "I missed you, Papa."

"I missed you too, Gabs."


Not a very eventful chapter, I know. Sorry about that, but these next few days are going to be busy for me, so I wanted to get something out for y'all before I get too swamped with hw and what not. Hope you guys all have a wonderful day! Love y'all!!

~ Ari ;)

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