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The six men all stare in shock, trying to comprehend what they've just been told.

A few seconds pass before they realise and they all start cheering and yelling, thanking their Boss and bouncing from excitement.

After they've calmed down, Myung-Dae continues talking. "I trust you guys enough to take the lead while I'm gone, because you're strong, very strong. But... I want you guys to be stronger."

"Don't worry Boss, we'll train untill we can't feel our legs anymore!" Yoongi shouts with determination.

The boss chuckles and leans back a bit. "That's not what I meant. You guys are the strongest you can be, the best of the best. But I want you as a team to be even better than perfect, I want more."

Confused, they just stare, not really understanding what he means. "How do you plan on making us better than perfect, Boss?" Hoseok asks.

Myung-Dae smirks, running a hand through his hair.

"By giving you another member."


"What the fuck is wrong with him, doesn't he understand that that's the worst thing he could possibly do?! He's just gonna put a complete stranger in our team after we've been together for ten fucking years???!!"

"Namjoon, please calm down.." Seokjin pleads, watching how Namjoon keeps getting angrier with every word. He had to take the man to a different room because he was about to explode in their boss' face

"No, I will not fucking calm down! He can't just keep adding people untill there's sixty of us. I will not accept this, I'm going to go up to him and tell him how fucking stupid he is!"

"Stupid, huh?"

Namjoon freezes in his tracks when he hears the growling voice of his boss, followed by quick footsteps towards him.

Myung-Dae slaps Namjoon across the face with full force, but the boy doesn't wince.

"You have no right to call me stupid, boy. I give you food, water, a roof over your head and most importantly, I'm giving you power."

Namjoon just stares past his Boss' head, not opening his mouth.

"I'm doing this to help better the team I gave you, to make you guys unstoppable, and this is how you repay me?!" He slaps Namjoon again, still not earning a wince from the brunette.

Namjoon will never show weakness infront of the person he respects most, but that doesn't mean he won't voice his opinion.

"I just think it's better to n-." This time, he punches the boy right in his stomach, earning a small twitch, but nothing more.

Myung-Dae grits his teeth. "Don't talk back to me." And with that, he leaves the room and then the house.

Namjoon stands there, fighting tears of heartbreak. His boss has never done anything more than slap them, never. And now, because of that stupid fucking kid joining their team, Boss has punched him in the guts.

Seokjin tries to touch Namjoon's shoulder but he flinches away, telling Seokjin to leave, which he does.

Once downstairs, the raven haired boy is greeted with the concerned faces of his team mates.

"Boss wants this kid to join, he won't budge."

They all sigh, defeat written all over their faces.
After a few moments of silence, Jungkook speaks up.

"Then we'll show that kid what happens when he messes with our family."


Days, weeks, months pass before Myung-Dae returns to tell them the boy is coming that very evening.

"I don't know if I'll be able to control myself when I see his face." Namjoon mutters, anger overflowing his body.

The rest has never seen Namjoon act this way, he's always so calm and collected, but now he's anything but that.

Seokjin told everyone what Myung-Dae did to Namjoon and how much it hurt him. The heartbreak he felt in that moment is the same feeling fueling his anger towards someone he doesn't even know.

But he's not alone, the rest hates this kid just as much as Namjoon does and they can't wait to see the face of the bitch that'll destroy their family.

One of Myung-Dae's employees comes in to tell them the boy will be arriving soon. When the door shuts, they all gather around and share their hate towards the poor kid for a few moments when Namjoon shushes them. "Don't waste your breath on him. We all know what we're gonna do, we will not accept him, we will not welcome him and we will definetely not trust him."

They all nod in agreement when they hear the car pulling up. They form a line at the door, as they have always done and await the new arrival.

Myung-Dae comes in first. "Boys, I know you're a bit skeptical about me bringing in a seventh member but he'll be worth everyone's time, I promise."

Namjoon just grits his teeth.

The door opening seems like it lasts hours. The tension in the room grows thicker with every creek the huge marble door lets out, and finally, the new guy steps foot in their home.

Silence falls over everyone when the door closes behind the boy and time seems to freeze. He's the most beautiful person they've ever seen, he almost doesn't seem real.

His plump, pink lips form a heart melting smile around perfect, white teeth. His galaxy filled, chocolate brown eyes turn into little crecsent moons when his smile is at it's fullest and there is not one single flaw on his smooth skin.

His small, slightly muscular body is crafted by the Gods, thick thighs seem to bulge out of his too tight pants and his long legs move gracefully with every step he takes.

Pink, fluffy hair falls over his forehead and bounces with every movement in such a joyful way.

It's like an aura of innocence, safety and peace surrounds the beautiful angel, making you feel warm when even in his prescense.

A small, chubby, iced out hand comes out of his jacket pocket to wave at the stunned men infront of him.

When he speaks, eardrums cheer, they latch onto the soundwaves and try to keep them forever, not wanting to let go. His voice is that of someone who should never stop talking.

"Hi, I'm Jimin."

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