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"There's been a big change of plans." Hoseok slams his hand on the table to get everyone's attention. The look on his face doesnt necessarily show worry, but it does show annoyance.

Everyone stays quiet, waiting for Hoseok to coninue speaking while the remaining men of the group gather around the redhead.

"The deal we were supposed to bust isn't the kind of deal we though it would be anymore. It was supposed to be Lee-Won,  King and their men, but they turned it into some kind of gathering. They moved the location to one of their out-of-town houses. I asked around and there are about 100 people coming, including non-gang related people."

Everyone in the group falls silent and Jimin glances around him. "W-why is that bad?"

Jungkook quickly turns to him and mumbles the answer. "If there are civillians, it makes its harder for us to work."

Hoseok sighs. "The original plan was to infiltrate their deal to get King. We've had some insides that he's trying to get multiple gangs to turn against Boss in a chance to overpower us and start a war. This was a perfect chance for us to sneak an attack and teach King a lesson, but since Lee-Won and King decided to make it a party, that probably means they're expecting us."

Hoseok looks at his brothers all waiting for him to get to the conclusion. "In consulation with Boss, we've decided on a whole new plan." He points to Namjoon and Jimin. "You two are going undercover."

"What?!" Taehyung jumps up, ready to give an entire speech as to why this shouldn't even be an option when Hoseok shuts him off. "Shut up and listen."

Taehyung groans as he drops back down in his seat, mumbling something unintelligible. "The reason why we've resorted to this is because we don't know how soon and how big this planned attack on us is going to be, we need to shut the operation down by the source and this is a chance we can't just let pass by us."

Jimin swallows thickly, the reallness of the situation coming over him. He always knew that being in the mafia isn't just random killing and just having fun, and the fact he has to do something like this on his first job is proof of that.

Hoseok continues. "Why we're sending Namjoon and Jimin is because they are the only two faces that won't be recognized."

Jimin looks over to Namjoon and then to Hoseok. "People don't know Namjoon?" The taller shakes his head. "Everyone that has ever linked my face to my name, isn't alive anymore. To the public, Myung-Dae only had five boys under his wing, with me being just a 'rumored sixth'.

"So... is the reason I'm being sent there aswell because no one knows me either?"

Hoseok nods and a shiver flows across the pink haired boy's spine. This is a lot of pressure, everything depends on him. He can not under any circumstances mess this up.

"I don't want to hear anymore objections. I'll asign everyone's roles after breakfast." He turns around, leaving the six men to really take in what lies ahead of them and prepare for tonight.

A firm hand on his shoulder wakes Jimin up from his daze and he looks over to see Yoongi smiling at him. "You'll do great, don't sweat it."

The two sit silently beside each other, Namjoon behind the wheel and Jimin in the passenger seat. The silence isn't uncomfortable, but the tension is most certainly there.

The boy stares out the window and catches a glimpse of his reflection. He looks pretty.

Hoseok said he really had to dress up for this event, so he put on the best outfit he could find, paired it with light purple eyeshadow, lipgloss and a little glitter to top it all off. He's dressed from top to bottom in white, his blouse a few buttons undone to show his toned chest and tucked into loose fitting bell bottom pants.

He stops himself from overthinking too much by glancing at Namjoon and taking in how the man looks one more time. Dressed in the nicest suit Jimin has ever seen with slicked back hair, he actually looks like a gentleman for once. The thought makes the boy giggle, which breaks their minutes long silence.

A grin appears on Namjoon's face when he hears the sound and he taps the steering wheel with his two fingers. "Repeat the basics for me."

"We walk up to the house as a pair and you introduce yourself as Choi Saewon, one of the highest ranking men on the business side of Yoon Taehyun. Yoon Taehyun will already be at the house when we arrive and confirm your status, since he works with Myung-Dae and is on our side to be trusted. They let us in and we try to get as close as possible to King, make conversation and offer him a deal he can't refuse. When we get him alone, Yoongi and Taehyung come through to finish it off."

Namjoon nods as he slows the car down, looking over his shoulder to properly park the car. When they've come to a standstill, he turns to Jimin one more time before opening the cardoor. "And what is your name?"

"I don't have one."

"Good, now let's do this."


I have the next update ready... Who wants it?


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