Chapter Three

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"Hey! Cousin It is real!"


"What is this...Cousin It?"

The beauty spoke....(Y/N) blinked a bit and decided to sit up. She glanced over to the gem and immediately stopped. She blinked and said the first thing that came to mind.


She walked around the gem and finally 'woke' up. 

"I'm sorry" 

She scratched her neck.

"Uhhh, what's your name?"

The gem stared (or at least she thought she stared) at the human girl. She pondered her safety but then realized she had no place to go. She ran away from the ship and somehow ended up on Earth. She started to panic.

"I...I am Blue Pearl"

"Um...WAIT! You said...Blue in the pearl to blue in your are in affiliation with...THE Blue Diamond...No wonder you're blue...I should've seen it before..wait.."

(Y/N) suddenly went wide-eyed. 

"Why are you HERE? Aren't you supposed to be on a ship with Blue Diamond?" 

BP panicked even more. 

"I..I r-ran away...Sh..she was gonna...corr...corrupt me" 

She then fell to her knees and started crying. (I DONT HATE BLUE DIAMOND! SHES ALSO A GEM THAT I WOULD WHOLEHEARTEDLY WIFE UP IF I COULD but for the sake of background....)  

(Y/N) fell to her knees to comfort her. 

"What..what do you mean BP?"

"Sh..she was experimenting with gems....Putting two..and three...sometimes ten shards together...she was going to shatter me and...and.." 

She sobbed. (Y/N) sat fully on the floor, pulled BP into her lap and started rocking back and forth while whispering 'its okay' s in her ear. After surely about an hour, she finally stopped. (Y/N) looked at her and checked to see if she was okay. 

"What if we gave you a disguise? Like you change out of those..."

She gulped and realized the pose they were in.

"clo...clothes and we change your hair.."

"Do you think it'll work?" 

"Well, this is how I see it, if Blue Diamond comes here and sees're done for..The most we can do is try to make it so she won't recognize you" 

BP reflected over the possibilities.

"... let's do it"

My Beautiful Moon Rose {Blue Pearl x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now