Chapter Seven

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"MY (Y/N)!?" 


After a long day of hard work, (Y/N) finally returned home..but not without a stop at the beautiful golden arches. She pulled up to the drive-thru and ordered her a chicken nugget meal (10 piece cuz she ain't no pussy) and she got BP the same because no one could ever turn down chicky nuggs. Once she finished ordering the cashier gave her the total and told her to pull up. Of course, there were people in front of her so she had to wait.

A few seconds into waiting, her phone rings. She looks at the caller id to see that it's her home phone. She swiftly answers knowing that something is wrong. 

"(Y/N)! Something happened! Im scared!"

BP started sobbing over the phone.

"BP what happened! What's wrong?"

"*hic* I was watching the funny people on the tv until the show ended and something else came on *hic* Then there was this that came on with the sci *cry* scientist and he cut peoples faces and stitched them together face to b-b-behind to make this creature! *sob*"

...scientist? Sti-...oh no...

"BP what was the movie called?"

"Hu-..Human Centipede?" 

"BP turn the channel, im coming just hold on okay?" 

"o-okay *hic*"

(Y/N) hung up the phone, paid and grabbed the food, and sped home.


She unlocked and opened the door, the movie was still MAX VOLUME. BP was nowhere to be found. (Y/N) turned off the scary movie and put the controller back on the table. She placed the food on the table as well. 

"BP? I'm home!"

Whimpering was heard in the bedroom. (Y/N) rushed into the room to see that (Y/N) was hiding under the bed.

"Oh, blue...its okay" (Y/N) spoke in a soft voice.

She grabbed BP and placed her in her lap. She cradled her like a baby and started to hum.

(We all know you dont wanna read the lyrics to a song so like... the song (Y/N) hummed was Lost Boy by Ruth.B)


"It's okay blue, it'll be alright.."

BP looked up at (Y/N) and noticed she had a stray hair. She placed the hair behind her ear. 


(Y/N) lifted up BP's chin. BP looked into her bewitching eyes. They both felt something...awaken, something intense. (Y/N)'s heart was beating at a rapid pace. BP's was matching. The situation itself was...enticing...amorous if you will. They were in a sense..drawn to each other. 

Closer..and closer, (Y/N)'s mouth began to dry up, her eyes jumped from BP's adoring lips to her alluring eyes. They got so close that they could feel each others breath.


(Y/N)'s face turned...50 shades of red. What appeared as a whale noise was in fact her stomach.


BP giggled and got up. Somewhere along the way she lost her footing, sending her crashing down..on top of (Y/N) who was trying to get up. Instead of landing on (Y/N)'s lap she landed somewhere even worse...well better?

"*mumble mumble*" 

BP gasped from the movement..under her. 

She blushed...HARD, this

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