(23) Midnight Frenzy

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Troye POV

I was tossing and turning crying silently trying not to wake Tyler up. I hated this. I had pain shooting through my leg, my mind drifting as I constantly moved further and further away from him feeling guilty every time I even moved a centimetre but right now I couldn't be that close to anyone, not in the dark. I got up and walked down the the kitchen, I say walked but really I hobbled even almost falling on the stairs.
Once I got down the light flashed on making me jump glad to see it was only Jes.
"Thank god Troyeboy it's only you, I was worried it would be Max....or a sleepless Tyler saying he was scared something was wrong."
I hummed in response holding my head low.
"I know what it's like. You know after rape and abuse and I really do and I know it's horrible. You can't trust anyone, can't be near them in the dark because you are terrified even if you know deep down they are safe."
I looked at her before bursting out sobbing and collapsing to the floor.
"I can't even hug Tyler without being uncomfortable! He doesn't feel safe. No one does! It hurts so much Jes!"
I was whisper-shouting. Lights clicked on up stairs and Tyler walked to the landing peering down.
"Everything okay down there ?"
I looked at Jes instantly looking for help.
"Yeah me and Troyeboy are just a little restless ty just getting some Nutella and cup of teas don't worry he will be back up soon just go to sleep."
Her voice didn't waver once. I admire her for that. Of course Tyler being Tyler had to check for me first.
"You sure you are okay Troye ?"
"He's got a mouthful of Nutella right now Tyler give him a second."
I heard his adorable giggle and felt myself relaxing considerably.
"That definitely sounds like Troye."
Pulling my act together and coughing quiet enough so only me and Jes could here.
"Tilly I'm fine just restless..."
I think at that moment I could of kissed the ground out of thankfulness for my acting skills.
"Okay well come cuddle soon okay ? I miss having you in my arms.."
I broke at that, sobbing loudly. I heard Tyler running down the stairs before Jes nodded at me and walked out, grabbing Tyler's arm and taking him off to another room to talk. Once I had calmed down I actually got the Nutella out of the cupboard and a spoon, to comfort eat of course. I was half way down the tub by the time they entered again. I swallowed quickly hiding the spoon and the Nutella behind my back.
"Troye....what are you hiding ?"
She eyed my carefully, trying to look behind me. There was a short silence before I answered.
"He's got Nutella hasn't he ?"
She turned her head to tyler smiling slightly. Tyler nodded slowly in my direction but he wasn't looking at me it was more like he was looking through me, I sighed putting them onto the small black marble island that was in front of me and began walking over to Tyler, putting my hand under his chin making him look at me. He mumbled out a quick 'sorry' before looking down.
"Why are you saying sorry ? You didn't do anything."
He looked at me then and I saw those blue eyes the specks of green shimmering under the tears that were shielded but magnified behind his thick glasses.
"I left you for no reason. I'm the one who left you alone knowing in the back of my mind it was a bad idea. I knew he could of gotten you and I didn't help!"
His voice was raised and tears were rapidly falling out of his eyes. I couldn't bare seeing him this broken anymore. I grabbed him and pulled him into my arms. He didn't hug back he just stood there sniffling his whole body tense. His arms swayed limply by his sides, clearly not sure how to respond to the gesture.
"It's not your fault in any way shape or form and you realise I'm not going to let go until you at least hug me back."
"Tyler I'm letting you hug me aren't i ?"
He nodded against my shoulder, relaxing and wrapping his arms around me softly. Strangely this time it wasn't the same. I didn't feel scared and it didn't bring back memories. This was calming, Max and Bobby didn't touch me like this. They were harsh and hurt me, they were fast and harmful. Tyler wasnt like that. He was slow and cautious.
"You my gorgeous man, need to stop blaming yourself for what those two dicks did."
"Troye you know deep down I'm a dick too!"
"No Tyler I know you have a dick I don't know you are a dick. You just acted a little irrationally and we all make mistakes."
I smirked a little backing out of the hug and nearly falling over when I bumped into Jes but thankfully both her and Tyler grabbed my arms.
I looked down blushing crimson.
"It was an accident Troye. No harm done."
Jes looked at me, question showing in her eyes before she extended her arms out, wiggling her fingers at me and grinning as well as raising her eyebrows.
"Am I dealing with two Tyler Oakley's here or what ?"
I laughed lightly hugging her quickly and letting her peck my head a little like a big sister would.
"No more like two Jes's because I am way cooler than Tyler and I started that first. Any ways goodnight boys. If you need me I'm just down here okay ?"
I nodded thanking her quietly before grabbing Tyler's hand and swinging it around my shoulders. He looked at me confusion all over his face.
"Well come on you could at least help me up the stairs. I was only shot in the leg for Christ sake MATTHEW TYLER OAKLEY."
He crinkled his nose up in distaste.
"I wish you never found out my name was Matthew. I'm Tyler, now shush and let me help you I mean remember you were only shot!"
We both grinned in the end. Slowly making our way upstairs and getting into the bed. He didn't hug me straight away, which was of course understandable after my big out burst.
After a few hours it got to much. I couldn't do this.

Tyler POV

I turned over in bed reaching out for Troyes hand but finding the bed empty. I shot up in bed worried about where he had gone, he wasn't good last night never mind him just disappearing on me. I looked around the room, relief flooding through me when I saw him cuddled into himself on the armchair in our room. I walked over taking a blanket and his pillow for him. I was about to leave the room when I heard him speaking quietly.
"Tilly, please yours. It smells like you."
His eyes remained closed and it took me a second to realise what he meant.
"Both or just mine ?"
I walked over to the bed grabbing my pillow and taking his off of him and handing him mine. I placed a light kiss on his forehead loving the little tired smile I got in response although I still wasn't able to see his ocean blue orbs. I threw his pillow onto the bed and picked up my "It us" hoodie pulling it on and grabbing my yellow hoodie spraying it with my cologne and hugging it too my chest so it had a stronger smell of me on it and handing Troye it. His eyes opened and he looked directly at me grabbing the hoodie and burying his face in it.
"It was losing its scent- your scent. Thank you Tilly."
"Of course baby, would you like any food or drink ?"
He shook his head, yawning and closing his eyes again snuggling the hoodie and letting me leave the room whilst he fell back into a sweet slumber. I was going to protect this boy with my all.
I walked back down the stairs and smiled at Jes's sleeping figure on the sofa and draped the the sofa's blanket over her and softly lifting her head and placing the pillow under it and kissing her forehead like I would any of my siblings.
"Thank you so much Jes"

Um hello... So here's the thing, my Troyler shipping has went really low and I find it hard to write it and I feel like I'm not capturing the characters very well so I may be stopping all of my Troyler Fics meaning this may be the last chapter of this Fic but if so I will let you know and will explain what was meant to happen.
I love you all ❤️
-Satan 😈

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