part 1

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Germany stood at the edge of the copper red bridge, holding the metal, rusty handle bar. The fresh air blew on him as if it was warning him, not to do this. Not to jump.
But nothing was going to stop him.
Not his stupid ass shitty family, not dumb ass Poland, not Mr. I-Can't-Decide (a.k.a uk) Not his greedy son, not his dog..
His dog, Charlie would probably be the only one he'd miss. No one else.
He WAS going to jump, and he was going to die. Germany could picture it, the deep, navy blue water strangling him with its waves the deeper he went. The sudden calmness and blacking out. Before he could stop it, a tear went down his eye. Quickly rubbing it, he sighed and tried to calm the feeling in his stomach that was getting stronger.
Germany looked around for anyone coming. There was none.
He slowly started to climb, putting one leg, and then two on the handlebars. He looked to his right, his left. No one.
Then, that's when he did it. he jumped right off. and he
He screamed, out of pure instinct, but his screams were muffled by the water and himself.
UPUPUPUPUPUPUP GO BACK UP PLEASE his body pleaded, but Germany refused and went deeper, feeling the pain in his brain, the murky water in his nose, eyes, and everywhere.
Then he heard another faint splash. But Germany swam, his movements getting weaker, and weaker until they were no more.

" I thought it was gonna be a normal day today, but that quickly changed when I saw Germany jump off a bridge.
I can't believe it, I never thought he would do that.
I was too far away to stop him, but I could see a blurry figure wearing a tie, and a white shirt. I thought the figure was just looking at the view, but then he started getting on the bars and that's when I knew something was wrong, that I need-"
Poland wipes tears from his red, bloodshot eyes and continues.
"Needed, to save him..but I couldn't..I was too far away, if only..."
Poland screams, and proceeds to have a mental breakdown.

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